In the ever-changing healthcare industry, the C-suite executives always have to be on their toes. But the best leaders are making some smart, calculated moves to stay on top of their game in 2015.

These moves are not always executed easily, but those who make them help their organizations perform better and provide a higher level of patient care.


5 smart moves for healthcare executives

1. Hiring for talent–not convenience

Healthcare executives who don’t rush the hiring process and cast a wide net to find the most experienced and qualified candidates build teams that last. Sure, it might be convenient to search locally and be satisfied with the closest match to the skills for the job. But when the hiring process is intensive and the best professionals fill roles within the organization, everyone benefits. And it doesn’t stop there. Even once they find the “perfect fit,” on-going training, learning opportunities, and growth are a top priority.

2. Enhancing communication 

The best leaders know that for an organization to be successful, all team members have to be on the same page, working toward the same end goals. When the C-suite pushes for meetings and systems that foster better communication (both organization-wide and departmentally), there is less confusion and staff feel that their voices are being heard. Top-down communication as it’s place, but two-way conversations have to take place as well.

3. Providing a new direction

While moving in a new direction can be risky, a strong move for healthcare executives is to be able to plan for the future and take action accordingly. At the same time, those executives have to be able to lead the way into those new territories instead of sticking with old ways that have grown comfortable.

4. Fostering revenue cycle improvement

At the end of the day, healthcare is still a business. Therefore, the C-suite has to be focused on how financial improvements can be made so that the organization can grow over time. Is growth the be-all-end-all in revenue cycle improvement? Not necessarily. But it certainly makes it easier to provide greater quantity and quality of care.

5. Getting accreditation

No matter what type, taking on accreditation  is a sign of healthcare system or hospital’s commitment to the future–and it starts in the C-suite. Additionally, this move often serves multiple purposes, as some states accept accreditation standards for reporting purposes. While the process can be somewhat arduous, healthcare leaders can help make the process happen more smoothly by keeping a watch over all of the moving parts.


In the coming year, the healthcare environment will continue to evolve. But the healthcare executives who are making strategic moves for future successes are one step ahead.

What would you add to this list?