As we are now exploring the issue of some of the most common healthcare compliance concerns facing organization in 2011 it is important that we examine HIPAA and the issue of privacy.  HIPAA and HITECH Privacy Violations can result in both civil and criminal penalties, and it is important that HIPAA policies are followed in EVERY healthcare organization nationwide.

HIPAA logo.HIPAA and Privacy Violations

HIPAA and Privacy Violations

In two recent cases the cost of violating this privacy act was substantial.  One organization was fined $2.25 million dollars for fail to properly dispose of protected information.  Criminally more than 43 physicians have been sentenced to jail time for violations in the past five years.  Here are some more interesting statistics courtesy of Liles Parker

  • as of mid 2010 there have been more than 93 breaches of HIPAA compliance
  • more than 500 individuals have been affected by these privacy breaches
  • The total number of individuals whose information was disclosed as a result of these breaches was estimated at over 2.5 million
  • of the 93 breaches, 87 involved breach of hard copy or electronic protected health information
  • the majority of the breaches involved theft, or loss of the records

HIPAA Compliance, one of the costliest compliance policies for healthcare organization is also one of the most important.  Patient privacy will continue to be an issue of importance in the future, and only a faultless healthcare compliance program will suffice.  Make sure that all members of your organization receive constant and up to date information HIPAA and any new or changing regulations, and of course seek outside assistance from a firm which is experienced with what it takes to be certified in healthcare compliance.

To learn more about HIPAA in all of its intricacies please visit the website: HIPAA Compliance.

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