How certain are you that none of your staff members have recently been excluded from Federal Healthcare Programs? This is a question that many healthcare executives and CEOs need to be asking themselves.

Recent healthcare reform has expanded permissive exclusion authorities, and many are predicted the heaviest exclusion rates in decades in the upcoming years.  both Health and Human Services and the Office of Inspector General are actively reviewing providers to see if they have been excluded, and if one of these individuals is a member of your staff, you could pay hefty fines.  According to a recent online article “HHS-OIG announced that it had assessed significant civil monetary penalties against a healthcare provider that employed seven individuals who the provider ‘knew or should have known’ had been excluded from participation in Federal health care programs.  These individuals were alleged to have furnished items and services for which the provider was paid by Federal health care programs.”

HHS-OIG Exclusion

Is a member of your staff on the list?

To make sure that your organization is fully aware of compliance in healthcare, and all that that entails, your compliance officer should screen all members to see if they have been excluded from Federal Programs on a frequent and regular basis.  Screenings should be conducted against not only the HHS and OIG databases, but also the GSA databases.  for more information please visit the link below:

OIG Exclusion Program