Congratulations Kathleen Schoenauer

BHM Healthcare Solutions is excited to announce the appointment of Kathleen Schoenauer, RN, BSN, CCM, to the position of Business Division Leader.  Ms. Schoenauer brings a wealth of leadership and project management knowledge to the organization, as well as a strong reputation for successful implementation of state-of-the-art solutions within the fast-paced health care industry.

Prior to joining BHM, Ms. Schoenauer enjoyed an impressive 12 year career with APS.  During that time, Ms. Schoenauer was responsible for the financial and business performance of multiple products and contracts to both a government and commercial customer base.  Additionally, she has experience in designing and delivering services and solutions through collaboration with Medicaid agencies, state and local governments, health plans, employers and labor trust groups. Ms. Schoenauer has consistently exceeded expectations when improving profitability, designing a suite of services and building strong management teams.

BHM is very excited have Ms. Schoenauer join the organization, and looks forward to the benefit its customers will receive from her many years of experience in medical and behavioral managed care, specifically including her expertise in disease management, utilization management , and case management.  “Because of her consistent ability to develop and market innovative approaches to process improvement and problem solving, we feel that she will prove to be a great asset to both our organization and our clients,” commented Mark Rosenberg, CEO of BHM.

Upon appointment to her new position, Ms. Schoenauer stated: “I look forward to my new role at BHM Healthcare Solutions and working with the talented team at BHM in providing best practice solutions for our partner clients. BHM Healthcare Solutions is a forward-thinking organization, positioned for growth and continued success helping clients achieve their goals and implement successful healthcare programs.”