Healthcare Reform is a buzzword in terms of the upcoming presidential election. Three new articles were added to the website just since yesterday regarding this issue. Let’s discuss the evolving nature of healthcare reform and the presidential election.

Original source is “The Hill” Healthwatch Blog

Obama Issues Veto Threat for Healthcare Bill

Healthcare Reform and the Presidential Election

Healthcare Reform and the Presidential Election

June 6, 2012, the White House threatened to veto a GOP-backed healthcare bill set for a House vote tis week. Republicans argue that H.R. 436, which would repeal the reform law’s medical device excise tax, would additionally lower healthcare costs. The White House said the measure “would fund tax breaks for industry by raising taxes on middle-class and low-income families” and increase the number of uninsured Americans. “The medical device industry, like others, will benefit from an additional 30 million potential consumers who will gain health coverage under the Affordable Care Act starting in 2014”, read the statement of administration policy. “This excise tax is one of several designed so the industries that gain from the coverage expansion will help offset the cost of that expansion.” In addition to repealing the device excise tax, the GOP bill will allow healthcare savings accounts to expense over-the-counter drugs and make it easier to utilize unused balances in these accounts. This bill is expected to see a floor vote on June 7 or June 8, 2012.

Romney: Obama “Knowingly” Held Back Economy to Pass Healthcare Reform

Mitt Romney alleged on June 6, 2012, that President Obama purposely slowed down the economic recovery to focus on healthcare. Romney stated “The idea that they knowingly slowed down our recovery to put in place Obama Care – which they wanted and they considered historic, but the American people did not want or consider historic – is something which I think deserves a lot of explaining.” Romney went on to say that Obama and his advisors discussed “the fact that Obamacare would slow down the economic recovery in this country, and they knew that before they passed it.”

Sebellius: “We’ll be ready if Supreme Court Strikes Healthcare Law”

Healthcare Reform: Is there a cure?

Healthcare Reform: Is there a cure?

Kathleen Sebelius, Health and Human Services Secretary said she is confident the Supreme Court will uphold the law but has a contingency plan should it not be upheld. The decision on this issue is expected to be rendered by the end of June 2012. A report last week stated that in private, President Obama expressed concerns that he may have to revisit the healthcare issues during his second term. This statement contradicts the views he has expressed publicly. According to Sebellius, she is gearing up for 2014, the time when some portions of the law are due to become effective. She also stated, “It’s best to anticipate the law is fully constitutional.”

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