Why should you receive the flu shot?

The Flu season is upon us, officially opening in October. So, have you been vaccinated yet? Why are you holding back? The sooner you receive the flu shot, the sooner you will be protected. According to the CDC, only 46% of Americans receive the flu vaccine.

There are 2 classes of individuals in which vaccination is strongly recommended: the elderly and healthcare workers. The Joint Commission has begun an initiative that by 2020, accredited organizations should have plans and goals in place for 90% of healthcare workers should be vaccinated against the flu each year. For the 2010-2011 flu season, only about 64% of healthcare workers received the flu shot.

Why are these numbers so low? Our healthcare workers have to stay well in order to treat the influx of those who do contract the flu.

What are the reasons in favor of the flu shot?

  1. As mentioned above, this will be a focus of the Joint Commission
  2. There are 3 different methods of vaccination (in case you faint at the sight of a needle) – the traditional flu shot, the nasal spray, and the intradermal needle which is much smaller than the traditional needle.
  3. The effects are not immediate – they generally take about 2 weeks to start working – the sooner you are vaccinated, the sooner you can be protected
  4. It is impossible to predict the severity of the flu season. We have been lucky enough to have mild seasons for the past couple of years, but there is no guarantee that this year’s will follow the same pattern.

Please comment

We welcome any and all comments on this subject. Do you receive the flu vaccination each year? Which method do you receive and why? If you don’t receive the vaccination, what are your reasons? Are you squeamish? Do you feel as though you have never had the flu before and therefore you are unlikely to acquire the symptoms? Is it too much trouble? Have you had reactions in the past?

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