Summary: What is the fiscal cliff? What caused it? What decisions needed to be made? How could it have been avoided?
How do we make sure this doesn’t happen again?
What is the fiscal cliff?
The fiscal cliff is a combination of certain legislation expiring as of 12/31/12 and other legislation becoming effective 1/1/13. It is a combination of federal tax increases and spending cuts which would negatively affect most Americans and more than likely cause another recession for our country. Any of the causes when viewed independently would not be monumental; it is the fact they are set to occur simultaneously. Below are some of the major issues which contributed to the fiscal cliff scare:
Legislation due to expire 12/31/12
- End of temporary payroll tax cuts (2%)
- Extended unemployment benefits
- Research and tax credit
- Bush tax cuts (2001-2003)
- Income tax rates would increase for all including the top income bracket which would increase from 35% to 39.6%
- Increased rates on estate and capital gains taxes
- Alternative Minimum Tax would apply to significantly more Americans (millions)
Legislation to become effective 1/1/13
- Budget Control Act of 2011 – automatic spending cuts to cut $109 billion between 2013 and 2021 (half from defense and half non-defense)
- Medicare payments to physicians will decrease by 30%
- Healthcare Reform Act
- Increased tax rate on high income earners
The debt ceiling will be reached early in 2013
- Reaching the debt ceiling in 2013
- In 2011 the debt ceiling fight caused a downgrade in rating by Standard and Poor
- Which caused higher interest rates
- Which caused an increase in the deficit
- Which spurred legislation to reduce the deficit – spending cuts and tax hikes
Lawmakers had 3 choices:
- Do nothing and allow legislation to expire and become effective as planned. This would assist in reducing the deficit but would negatively impact in one way or another almost all Americans.
- Cancel some or all of the scheduled tax increases/spending cuts which would exponentially add to the national deficit
- Find a compromise to address the budget issues while not so severely impacting the majority of Americans. Of course, this is the alternative which was chosen
What did the final compromise entail?
The compromise basically addresses more of the tax side than the spending side. Below are some of the provisions which were signed and passed:
- Tax rates: Initial legislation called for a tax rate increase for those individuals earning over $250,000. The compromise was to increase
tax rates for those individual earning over $400,000. Rates were also set for the income levels for families.
Could this fiscal cliff have been avoided? Absolutely. All of these provisions have had expiration and effective dates set for quite some time. These deadlines didn’t spontaneously appear. The dates 12/31/12 and 1/1/13 were not added as new dates to the calendar. So, why did it come down to the 11th hour to address the fiscal cliff? Is there anyone actually tracking all of these deadlines? How can this issue be avoided in the future? Do you think perhaps we should start looking now at what is scheduled to expire as of 12/31/13 and what is to go into effect 1/1/14?
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