Are you aware of the main reasons behind the obesity epidemic? Just over three-fourths (78 percent) of Americans said they could benefit from losing weight right now, according to a recent Healthy World obesity epidemicReport released by TeleVox Software, Inc., entitled “The Obesity Epidemic: Unhealthy Habits Result in a Growing Problem for Americans.” Unfortunately, it can’t be blamed on the fact that American’s aren’t trying. The average American has attempted to diet or lose weight nine times in their life, and just 37 percent reported being completely successful with these attempts.

With the American Medical Association classifying obesity as a disease, the thought of trimming American’s waistlines is on the minds of both healthcare providers and patients. Luckily, the majority of Americans (90 percent) believe that diet and exercise, and not genetics, are the biggest causes of obesity. Implementing wellness plans that incorporate proper diet and regular exercise can lower obesity rates, but it does take work.

Better interaction between patients and their healthcare providers is the first step. Sixty-one percent of Americans said they would be interested in and/or happy to receive communications from their doctor with tips on how to manage their weight, and nearly a fourth (24 percent) reported that communications from their doctor between office visits, such as emails, text messages, or phone calls, would help them better manage their overall health. Opening the door for better, and more frequent, communication with doctors is important, as information, education and support received between visits can help people make lifestyle changes to better manage their weight and overall health. Do you know the main reasons behind the obesity epidemic?

Reasons Behind the Obesity Epidemic

obesity epidemic 2The Obesity Epidemic shines light on the fact that obesity across the nation is a growing issue. In fact, in 1990, the CDC reported that no state had an obesity rate higher than 15 percent, and 10 states had an obesity rate lower than 10 percent. Currently, 61 percent of Americans feel that obesity is a significant problem in the United States. And the epidemic is spreading, as 21 percent of Americans report that they have experienced obesity in their life, and 51 percent say they could do a better job of managing their weight. Talking to a doctor, sticking to a healthy diet and exercising regularly can all help in the struggle against obesity.

“It is time that Americans across the nation look in the mirror and ask themselves what they can do to become healthier,” said Scott Zimmerman, President of TeleVox Software, Inc. “As the obesity epidemic continues to gain momentum, it is important that Americans understand the health concerns that come along with obesity and begin to take action. Taking time to talk with your healthcare provider about how to implement a proper wellness plan is important. By becoming more educated and engaged on the topic, more Americans are likely to succeed in managing their weight.”

The full report is available here:

Get Ready for the Changes With a Free ACA Webinar

It is important that every healthcare organization has a thorough understanding of the Affordable Care Act, and how it has the potential to impact them and their organization.  Change will be swift and the reform will be sweeping, requiring a number of clinical, administrative, and financial changes in order to operate successfully and profitably.  If you would like more information about how to prepare your organization for the ACA Impact, BHM will be hosting a free no obligation webinar entitled The ACA Impact on Hospitals, we hope that you will join us.

Title: Impact of the ACA on U.S. Hospitals

Description: Find out what your organization can do to brace for the Affordable Care Act (ACA) and what strategies you can implement now to succeed in a changing environment.

Date & Time: Thu, Oct 3rd, 2013 at 12:00 pm EDT

Please register for the above meeting by visiting this link:

Be sure to “add to outlook” when you receive your confirmation.

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