referrals BHMTo recognize and reward consultants who refer and introduce BHM, we are pleased to offer the BHM Referral Program. New and existing client referrals are an excellent metric to judge our success at BHM. When a client, partner, or one of our consultant team members refers BHM to a colleague, friend and/or client, it is a reflection of their satisfaction with our work and their trust in us.

 How do I identify referral opportunities?

Listen to, and network with, your existing clients, peers and friends within the industry to identify opportunities that can be referred to BHM. BHM can provide the following services:

  1. Healthcare Transformation Assistance
  2. Strategic Planning and Organizational Analysis
  3. Accreditation Consulting
  4. Financial Consulting for Healthcare
  5. Physician Advisor/Peer Review
  6. Organizational Development

How do I refer?

Please email your referrals to Angela Puleo, BHM’s Strategic Development Manager/Account Manager, at or call (888) 831-1171, Ext. 134. Angela will contact you within 3 business days with an update concerning the status of the referral.

Why should I participate?

  • To provide your business contacts and/or clients with access to a broader range of services.
  • To become a resource to your contacts and/or clients for information, services, etcetera (become more valuable to them).
  • To provide more business opportunities for BHM and more work for its consultants, including you.
  • To create additional financial opportunities for yourself. Participants in the program are compensated for referrals. For details, contact Angela Puleo at or call (888) 831-1171, Ext. 134.

Have questions, or any concerns, about the BHM Referral Program? Contact Angela Puleo by phone at (888) 831-1171, Ext. 134 or by email at for more information.