Healthcare Reform, Healthcare regulations

Navigating the complexities of healthcare regulations is a critical responsibility for payers. Ensuring compliance not only mitigates risks but also promotes efficiency, trust, and quality in patient care.

Here’s a concise guide on key healthcare regulations and actionable tips to ensure compliance:

#1 Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act (HIPAA)

HIPAA is designed to protect patient health information, ensuring privacy and security in handling data.

Compliance Tips:

  • Ensure Data Encryption: Encrypt all protected health information (PHI) both at rest and in transit.
  • Conduct Regular Training: Train staff regularly on HIPAA rules and data privacy protocols.
  • Perform Risk Assessments: Conduct frequent risk analyses to identify vulnerabilities and develop mitigation plans.
  • Monitor Access Controls: Use role-based access controls to limit PHI access to authorized personnel only.

#2 Health Information Technology for Economic and Clinical Health Act (HITECH)

HITECH aims to promote the adoption of electronic health records (EHRs) and extends HIPAA rules to cover electronic health information.

Compliance Tips:

  • Adopt Certified EHR Systems: Use only certified EHR technology that meets HITECH standards for privacy and security.
  • Establish Incident Response Plans: Implement protocols for responding to and reporting breaches within required timelines.
  • Audit Trails: Enable and review audit trails to track access and modifications to electronic health information.

#3 Emergency Medical Treatment and Labor Act (EMTALA)

EMTALA requires hospitals to provide emergency care to anyone needing it, regardless of their ability to pay.

Compliance Tips:

  • Educate Network Providers: Ensure all contracted hospitals and emergency facilities are well-versed in EMTALA requirements.
  • Streamline Pre-authorization: Avoid delays for coverage decisions in emergencies by setting up pre-authorization processes in line with EMTALA guidelines.
  • Monitor Transfers: Regularly review hospital transfers to ensure they meet EMTALA’s “stabilize and transfer” requirements.

#4 Fraud and Abuse Laws

These laws, including the False Claims Act, Anti-Kickback Statute, and Stark Law, are intended to prevent fraudulent claims, kickbacks, and physician self-referral in federal healthcare programs.

Compliance Tips:

  • Develop an Anti-Kickback Policy: Establish a strict policy for gifts and referrals, ensuring no monetary or in-kind exchanges influence medical decisions.
  • Monitor Claims Submissions: Use automated tools to identify and flag suspicious billing practices to avoid false claims.
  • Conduct Regular Audits: Perform periodic audits to verify the legality of physician referrals and ensure compliance with Stark Law.

#5 CMS Interoperability and Prior Authorization Final Rule (CMS-0057-F)

The CMS Interoperability and Prior Authorization Final Rule (CMS-0057-F) aims to improve access to health information and streamline the prior authorization process for payers and providers.

Compliance Tips:

  • Automate Prior Authorization Processes: Implement tools that automate and streamline prior authorization to ensure quick turnaround times and compliance with CMS timelines.
  • Ensure Data Accessibility: Make health data available in a standardized format so patients and healthcare providers can access relevant information efficiently.
  • Collaborate with Stakeholders: Coordinate with providers and technology partners to ensure interoperability requirements are fully met.

For more details on how the CMS Final Rule impacts payers, check out our BHM Blog.

Staying compliant with these complex healthcare regulations is crucial for payer organizations. By incorporating these actionable tips, payers can minimize risks, improve efficiency, and ensure that all regulations are adhered to effectively.

Watch for our follow up articles to delve deeper into each subject area.
