Obama: “…we fumbled the rollout on this health care law.”

Obamacare approval rating continues to fall

President announces enrollment numbers, changes to reverse insurance cancellations “we fumbled the rollout of this healthcare law”
Following much speculation, president Obama presented the “official” Obamacare enrollment numbers on Thursday, November 15.
He said, “In the first month, nearly a million people successfully completed an application for themselves or their families. Those applications represent more than 1.5 million people. Of those 1.5 million people, 106,000 of them have successfully signed up to get covered. Another 396,000 have the ability to gain access to Medicaid under the Affordable Care Act.”

Transitioning From Volume to Value and from Quantity to Quality

Transitioning from volume to value

The transitioning from volume to value and from quality to quality is at the moment a bit of a juggling act. Medicare continues to reimburse based on a fee-for-service basis which rewards based upon volume and quantity while simultaneously moving toward a payment system based upon value and quality. Two completely opposite ends of the spectrum trying to exist concurrently. Two different philosophies and mindsets with different goals are colliding

Epic failure? Obamacare Enrollment Numbers Due to be Released

Healthcare Exchange

When Obamacare enrollment statistics are released later this week, the numbers are expected to fall far short of the administration’s initial projections. To date, an estimated 40,000 to 50,000 participants are reported to have enrolled via Healthcare.gov, the federally operated healthcare site, which currently serves 36 of the nation’s 50 states.

Is Patient Centricity the New Trend for Pharma?

core values

Is Patient Centricity the New Trend for Pharma? In the post reform environment the pharmaceutical industry has been shown by many to have emerged triumphant. Pharmaceutical executives were deeply embedded in the process of creating healthcare reform legislation and the industry orchestrated a balanced trade whereby they would agree to financial offsets posed by closing […]

Lean Thinking For Healthcare

healthcare lean thinking

Lean Thinking For Healthcare With the advent of the highly controversial and experimental Affordable Care Act physicians and healthcare organizations are looking for innovative ways to boost efficiency within the healthcare system so that quality improves while cost savings are achieved.  As part of this initiative, more and more healthcare organizations are turning to “lean […]