I am often asked what is the best  accreditation organization.  Typically I am asked this question by a client that has just engaged our services and after they have chosen an accreditation entity.  I asked our expert accreditation consultant, Rachel Walker, SVP of BHM’s accreditation and QI Division to help out.  She wrote two articles in our February newsletter that I thing are helpful. Please see our newsletter for more details. In this blog, we’ll discuss a process for evaluating healthcare accreditation entities. The impact of these entities is truly widespread in terms of patient care and much more.

When it comes to spending your “accreditation dollars” it can be a jungle out there.  Not only are there a variety of accreditations, but also a vast choice in entities which provide them.   Find out what to consider before spending your money on accreditation according to BHM’s accreditation expert Rachel Walker.  Learn important keys to identifying the accreditation entity which will not only support your organization in reaching goals and objectives, but also be more beneficial to your organization when taking into consideration the “big picture”.

Learn the essential keys to accreditation due diligence.  This article will feature concrete questions which should be part of any organizations due diligence process, along with expert advice from BHM’s accreditation expert Rachel S. Walker, RN, B-C, CHCQM. Suffice to say, that evaluating healthcare accreditation entities is a challenging task and we’re here to help you succeed.