About Caroline Swain

Resources from BHM Healthcare Solutions

Independent Review Organization Benefits for Payers, Providers, and Patients

2023-05-02T13:34:02-04:00By |IRO, URAC Accreditation|

An Independent Review Organization (IRO) deliver independent medical peer review services designed to ultimately reduce administrative costs and ensure patients receive proper treatments. Rising healthcare costs affect millions of people daily. Providers and insurers can rely on IROs to help them to control costs and offer affordable coverage.

Mental Health in Workers Compensation

2022-10-19T14:52:20-04:00By |Behavioral Health Integration, Mental Health, Workers Compensation|

Stress, anxiety, and depression are among the most prevalent for injured workers. If left untreated, they can render a seemingly straightforward claim nearly unmanageable, resulting in poor outcomes and exorbitant costs. Increasingly, many in our industry are recognizing the need to proactively do all we can to address this critical issue. Open discussions and gaining a deeper understanding of a subject that, until now, has been taboo.

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