
Independent Review Organization Benefits for Payers, Providers, and Patients

2023-05-02T13:34:02-04:00By |IRO, URAC Accreditation|

An Independent Review Organization (IRO) deliver independent medical peer review services designed to ultimately reduce administrative costs and ensure patients receive proper treatments. Rising healthcare costs affect millions of people daily. Providers and insurers can rely on IROs to help them to control costs and offer affordable coverage.

Levels of Care Impact Medical Necessity Review Success

2017-07-05T17:19:34-04:00By |Accreditation, Services, Uncategorized|

Level of Care Guidelines are usually derived from generally accepted standards of behavioral health practice. These standards include guidelines and consensus statements produced by professional specialty societies, as well as guidance from governmental sources such as CMS’ National Coverage Determinations (NCDs) and Local Coverage Determinations (LCDs).

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