Health Care Reform

Millennials: Obamacare Costs Less Than Your Cell Phone Bill

2017-04-02T13:28:34-04:00By |Health Care Reform, Health Insurance, Health Insurance Exchange|

Americans were a little wary of the healthcare marketplace when it debuted this past year, but now, some are beginning to see the benefits - of the benefits. New data released this week from the Department of Health and Human Services reports that new Obamacare customers are paying, on average, about $82 in monthly premiums for their coverage. For many, that’s less than many of their utility bills, such as internet, cable and smartphones.

The Penalty Box | CMS’ 3 Ways to Ding Hospitals

2017-04-02T13:28:35-04:00By |Compliance, Financial, Financial Analysis, Health Care Reform, Medicare and Medicaid, Quality Improvement Programs, Readmissions, Services|

Are you one of many hospitals being dinged with CMS penalties? Are you ready to be dinged for Hospital Acquired Conditions, in addition to readmissions and value-based purchasing? How can a hospital remain profitable? In terms of hockey, the penalty box is where players are sent when they have committed an act which is against the regulations of the game. The player is forced to sit in the penalty box for a period of time, causing the team to play with less players, until the penalty time has lapsed.

6 Healthcare IT Pain Points | What Are Your Pain Points?

2017-04-02T13:28:37-04:00By |Big Data, Clinical Analysis, Financial Analysis, Health Care Reform, Operational Analysis, Services, Telehealth and Telemedicine|

Healthcare technology is changing faster than most organizations can keep up. What are you doing to comply? Healthcare technology is a rapidly changing field. Some of the changes are required to comply with current regulations while others are to gain a competitive advantage. Lets’ delve into a few of these areas.

Play or Pay | The Triple Aim for 2015 and Beyond

2017-04-02T13:28:37-04:00By |Health Care Reform, Health Insurance, Health Insurance Exchange|

What will you decide for your organization beginning 2015? Will you “play or pay”? The “play or “pay” principle basically says that if employers with 50 or more full time employees don’t meet the minimum requirements of offering insurance coverage, they will pay very steep penalties. The provision will be phased in beginning in 2015. The “play or pay” principle is part of the PPACA, specifically under the provision of “shared responsibility”.

Are ACOs The New HMOs?

2023-07-28T14:56:33-04:00By |Accountable Care Organizations, Financial, Health Care Reform|

Historically, HMOs are notorious for incurring poor health among patients and bolstering already bloated administrative costs. When healthcare reform was on the horizon, the promise of Accountable Care Organizations in lieu of traditional HMOs lifted the wilted spirits of doctors and patients alike. A few years of ACOs, however, seems to have done little to assuage the initial fears of these groups that ACOs are just nicely dressed HMOs.

Can Google Make Us Live Forever? What is ‘Google Calico’ and What Does It Have To Do With Modern Healthcare?

2017-04-02T13:28:37-04:00By |Big Data, Health Care Reform, Healthcare Preventitive Care|

You may recall some murmurings last year about a new Google venture cryptically called Calico. In the heyday of 23andMe, Apple’s many health apps and the hefty focus on technology in healthcare, Google wasn’t about to miss out on the hoopla. But just as soon as we started hearing chirps about “Google’s war on aging”, it sunk into the deep obscurity of the web.

7 Ways to Improve Your Readmission Rates

2017-04-02T13:28:37-04:00By |Care Coordination, Clinical Analysis, Health Care Reform, Readmissions, Services|

As most of us are aware, readmissions is a hot topic, especially in terms of the penalties assessed for readmission rates which are excessive. What can you do to reduce or eliminate your readmission rates? There has been a lot of talk about readmissions (avoidable), specifically the healthcare costs associated with them and the effects on the quality of patient care being provided. In order to crack down on these avoidable readmissions, CMS created the Readmissions Reduction Program. The premise of the program is to ding hospitals, with higher than average readmissions (readmitted within 30 days of discharge), by assessing penalties against overall Medicare payments. There has been a lot of hoopla surrounding the program, with many criticisms being cited, such as treating all hospitals alike, not accounting for socioeconomic factors, and the way the penalty is calculated.

Are You Ready for 2015 Readmission Penalties?

2017-04-02T13:28:37-04:00By |Clinical Analysis, Health Care Reform, Health Insurance, Medicare and Medicaid, Readmissions, Services|

What are you doing to make sure you are not one of the 66% of hospitals who will be assessed readmission penalties in the next round? Can you afford the penalties which are increasing again in 2015? Are you aware of the proposed conditions to be added in 2015? What do you get when you combine Medicare, high readmissions, within a 30 day window, for specific conditions? A reduction in Medicare spending to the tune of about $280 million annually. Of interest is that penalties were assessed in 49 states, all with the exception of Maryland, who has a unique reimbursement payment system.

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