Sequestration –What Organizations are Affected? Part 1

  Summary: What does sequestration mean? What organizations are affected by the sequestration? What Organizations Are Affected By The Sequestration? What does it mean? The official definition in terms of the budget is a US legal procedure in which automatic spending cuts are triggered. In a nutshell, effective March 1, 2013, the government spending cuts […]

Sequestration – Which Organizations Are Exempt?

Healthcare Financial Analysis

Summary: Which organizations are exempt from the sequestration? What does it mean? The official definition in terms of the budget is a US legal procedure in which automatic spending cuts are triggered. In a nutshell, effective March 1, 2013, the government spending cuts go into effect in an effort to try to reduce the federal […]

CMS ACO Current Demonstrations

Accountable Care Organization

What initiatives is the Center for Medicare and Medicaid Services (CMS) currently exploring in terms of Accountable Care Organizations (ACO)?

Meaningful Use Infographic

Meaningful Use Infographic Meaningful Use has become a buzzword in the healthcare industry. Are you ready for Stages 2 and 3? This infographic shows the effects on Medicaid and Medicare as well as provides a timeline for Stages 2 and 3. Take a glance at our Meaningful Use infographic below to learn more. What is […]

Meaningful Use As Easy as 1,2,3

Meaningful use a program set forth by the Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services which governs the use of electronic health records. The Health Information Technology for Economic and Clinical Health (HITECH) Act and the Affordable Care Act Section 1561 give authority to the Department of Health and Human Services (HHS) to improve processes related to electronic health records by providing incentives for compliance.

Top Healthcare Compliance Issues for 2013

Have you ever participated in the “answers” portion of Linkedin? It is a wonderful, interactive forum in which you can pose questions, categorize your question, and receive fantastic answers very quickly. For example, we posed a question in regard to web conferencing hosting options.