Employers Are Anxious about Reform Mandates
Financial Management and Health Insurance Exchanges
Affordable Care Act – Coming Attractions

Some features of the Affordable Care Act will be rolled out in 2012 such as Accountable Care Organization, insurance rebates and electronic records.
Value-Based Purchasing: The Basics
Heart Attack Research Reinforces New Preventative Health Strategy
Increased Audits Could Equal A Streamlined Response for Healthcare Organizations
Many Healthcare Organizations and hospital systems are moving towards a more systematized, shared response as more and more state and federal program-integrity contractors get ready to unleash their auditing power. Among the amalgam of acronyms that have emerged with the evolution of healthcare reform are: RAs, the comprehensive error rate testing (CERT) contractorderal, zone program […]
Exchange Development Could Advance As State’s Flexibility Increases
Learn more about exchange development and the flexibility states may now be afforded on our Insights page.