Basics on the False Claims Act

Gain a general understanding of the False Claims Act and how it will impact healthcare fraud and abuse from a compliance standpoint.
The Cost of Healthcare Fraud and Abuse
USA Today Predicts Fraud Prosecutions to Rise by 85%
Kelly Kennedy a reporter for USA Today recently wrote a story about healthcare fraud and abuse, and shared a staggering statistic, according to government statistics “federal health care fraud prosecution in the first eight months of 2011 are on pace to rise 85% over last year” To read the full article please click here Examples […]
From Reform to Fraud and Abuse Prevention
We would like to thank everyone who has visited our blog this month and joined us for our online series about some of the more particular aspects of healthcare reform, particularly our HIPAA 5010 posts. In this blog, we’ll discuss the latest efforts in fraud and abuse prevention. Fraud and Abuse Prevention Reform We understand […]
HIPAA 5010 Resources
HIPAA 5010 Will Pack a Punch- National Testing Week
Bracing for Reform Impact- Encounter Data and Claims (2)
In our last blog post we began to go over the potential impact that new ways of utilizing Encounter Data and Claims could have on healthcare reform.
Bracing for Reform Impact- Encounter Data and Claims (1)
As we gear up to hit on some hot healthcare reform topics this month we will begin with the monumental changes which will be taking place with regard to Encounter Data and Claims under a new Center for Medicare and Medicaid Services (CMS) requirement.
MCEG Top 10 Healthcare Reform Issues
Its a scorcher- Healthcare Reform
I am not talking about the heat index, but how the debate over health care reform is heating up. Due to this we have decided to do a multi-part blog series on healthcare reform beginning this month. We will examine some of the recently passed healthcare bills, how they will impact healthcare compliance, business, practices, […]