
Behavioral Healthcare Shortages: Causes and Solutions

2017-07-05T17:13:36-04:00By |Behavioral Health Integration, Clinical Analysis, Clinical Operations Improvement, Uncategorized|

The National Council for Behavioral Health and the National Council Medical Director Institute released a far-reaching report this month: The Psychiatric Shortage: Causes and Solutions. As a recognized leader in behavioral health reviews, this BHM Healthcare Insider Blog brings selections from the executive summary focusing on the behavioral healthcare shortages and solutions.

Successful Delegation To Downstream Entities

2018-05-23T16:25:27-04:00By |Compliance, Operational Analysis, Uncategorized|

Healthcare organizations face challenges regarding reduction of their medical and administrative costs because regulatory and administrative demands are increasing. Payers and providers must evaluate new partner relationships and solutions for work processes and potentially outsource administrative functions in order to offer competitively priced services to patients. Successful delegation requires planning.

AHCA Impact On Payers

2017-04-10T11:59:00-04:00By |Trends, Uncategorized|

The American Health Care Act (AHCA) made its debut. Not many people in government and healthcare industries expect quick passage of the AHCA in its initial form, but understanding the differences with the Affordable Care Act (ACA) sets a framework for how payers prepare for the final version. Fair to say, every organization must make adjustments and the pressures for building internal organization-level efficiencies increase.

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