
AHCA Impact On Payers

2017-04-10T11:59:00-04:00By |Trends, Uncategorized|

The American Health Care Act (AHCA) made its debut. Not many people in government and healthcare industries expect quick passage of the AHCA in its initial form, but understanding the differences with the Affordable Care Act (ACA) sets a framework for how payers prepare for the final version. Fair to say, every organization must make adjustments and the pressures for building internal organization-level efficiencies increase.

Stretching Medical Directors Too Far?

2017-11-30T18:04:05-04:00By |Training, Uncategorized|

As healthcare continues to change, so do some of the roles within the industry, but no role has perhaps experienced a shift quite as significant as the Medical Director.  This position has taken on a dramatic evolutionary shift in responsibility and scope. The roles and responsibilities now require stretching medical director skills into contract negotiations, group dynamics, organizational development, team management, and many areas not covered in a traditional medical curricula.

Doing More With Less: Positive Cost Containment

2017-04-02T13:27:55-04:00By |Uncategorized|

Positive cost containment can begin with not paying for down time. Administrative resources dedicated to case and claim processing sit on your books as solid, steady expense while the processing pipeline swings dramatically. Paying overtime when backlogs occur will definitely impact the monthly administrative budgets. A number of other factors also contribute to these swings.

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