Healthcare Reform – Is it Just Politics?

With 2014 rapidly approaching and the most significant year in terms of Healthcare Reform, many provisions/mandates have been delayed. Is Healthcare Reform just a way of pitting Democrats and Republicans against one another?

What Americans Don’t Know About the Affordable Care Act

We have written several posts about the Affordable Care Act (ACA) and how it will impact not only the healthcare and insurance sectors, but State and Federal Government, and consumers and families.  Despite the fact that this initiative will constitute sweeping national changes and high personal impact for millions, the truth is that few Americans […]

Top 5 Reasons Hospitals are Losing Money

So you know the major reasons why hospitals are losing money? Follow BHM Healthcare Solutions to stay updated on the reasons hospitals are losing money and much more.

Are Accountable Care Organizations Failing?

Are Accountable Care Organizations Failing? Are Accountable Care Organizations failing? By definition, an Accountable Care Organization (ACO) is a type of healthcare organization that is characterized by a payment and a care delivery model that seeks to tie physician reimbursement to certain quality metrics and reductions in the total cost of care of a particular patient population. […]

EHR Meaningful Use 101: Defining Meaningful Use

We have been discussing Meaningful Use for some time now, and several of our readers have been asking for us to go back to the basics to explain in broad terms what it is, how it impacts healthcare, and what are the top things that individuals and organizations need to know.  In response to this request, we are pleased to present this post where we will go back and explain the basics, EHR Meaningful Use 101 so to speak.  We hope that you find this helpful!

How IRS Enforces ObamaCare

The IRS enforces ObamaCare by issuing rules. These rules become final once they are officially signed off by IRS and Treasury Department officials. The IRS has in fact issued the final rules that detail how it will enforce ObamaCare. Specifically, you will find information below for how the IRS will enforce the individual mandate.