Health Care Reform

Healthcare – The Possibilities Are Endless Infographic

2023-12-22T07:15:33-04:00By |Health Care Reform, Uncategorized|

Just imagine the possibilities we have in the healthcare field. We are already completing surgeries via robots. Research is being done to cure major diseases such as Cancer. Physicians can monitor patients from home. Telemedicine is taking off. Electronic medical records are basically common place now. Health information is available at your finger tips through the internet. The Affordable Care Act is focusing on transparency so we, as Americans, can know what we are paying for. There is a renewed emphasis on patient safety and quality of care. Efforts are being made to reduce healthcare costs. Medicaid recipients are growing at a rapid rate. The healthcare industry is one of the fastest growing industries today. What changes do you see? What changes do you recommend? How do you see healthcare 5 years from now? 10 years from now?

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