Where Do the 50 States Stand on Medicaid Expansion?
Medicaid expansion is a highly debated issue. Medicaid expansion is part of the Patient Protection Affordable Care Act, aka Healthcare Reform, aka Obamacare. This particular provision is designed to expand Medicaid to millions of Americans by increasing the income level at which individuals qualify.
Pioneer ACOs: Some Say Risk Not Worth Reward
Pioneer ACO Experiment Produces Mixed Results After a one year experiment with the Medicare Pioneer Accountable Care Organization (ACO) Model which has 32 participants, nine of these organizations will be transferring to another Medicare shared savings program,while two are dropping from the program completely. Another 10 organizations saw no cost savings in the first year, […]
Did You Receive Your Health Insurance Rebate?
Rebates are planned to be distributed this summer by companies who have exceeded the Medical Loss Ratio. Will you be one of the recipients?
4 Concerns with the ACA for 2014
January 1, 2014 is rapidly approaching and this date is the effective date for many major provisions of the ACA. What is the status of these issues? Where do we stand as a country?
The Employer Mandate Delay – Who Wins and Who Loses?
Who are the winners and losers of the employer mandate? What was the reason for the delay? Who isn’t affected positively or negatively?
The Employer Insurance Mandate Has Been Postponed – Is This a Good Thing?
The decision has been made to postpone the penalties assessed to large and medium sized companies who don’t offer insurance to their employees. The mandate which was to be effective in 2014 has been postponed to 2015.
What is the Medicare Shared Savings Program?
The Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services (CMS) has established a Medicare Shared Savings Program to facilitate coordination and cooperation among providers to improve the quality of care for Medicare Fee-For-Service beneficiaries and reduce unnecessary costs.
9 Minutes to Explain Healthcare Reform

Do you have 9 minutes? This video will hit the highlights and basically explain Healthcare Reform in a nutshell.
Healthcare – The Possibilities Are Endless Infographic
Just imagine the possibilities we have in the healthcare field. We are already completing surgeries via robots. Research is being done to cure major diseases such as Cancer. Physicians can monitor patients from home. Telemedicine is taking off. Electronic medical records are basically common place now. Health information is available at your finger tips through the internet. The Affordable Care Act is focusing on transparency so we, as Americans, can know what we are paying for. There is a renewed emphasis on patient safety and quality of care. Efforts are being made to reduce healthcare costs. Medicaid recipients are growing at a rapid rate. The healthcare industry is one of the fastest growing industries today. What changes do you see? What changes do you recommend? How do you see healthcare 5 years from now? 10 years from now?
So, How Is President Obama Doing on His Campaign Promises?
What promises were made during the Presidential campaigns? Which promises are falling by the waste side?