What is the Link Between Healthcare Exchanges and NCQA
Summary: The link between healthcare exchanges and NCQA resides in the requirement for exchanges to be accredited. NCQA is one of the national healthcare accreditation organizations which has been given deeming status to grant accreditation to healthcare insurance exchanges. So, what is an exchange? An exchange is an organization setup to create a more organized […]
Healthcare Exchanges – Current Status of the States
Health Insurance Exchange Deadline Set for 11/16/12 is Extended:Infographic
Summary: What is a healthcare exchange? When is the health insurance exchange deadline? When do they become effective? When do states need to decide whether or not to participate? An exchange is an online marketplace created at the state level for consumers to be able to shop for insurance. The exchanges are a part of […]
Importance of Healthcare Compliance

Health Care Looms Large in Election: Healthcare Infographic

This election year has been a roller coaster ride of events with people seemingly polarized like never before, but no matter the stance of the individual, one thing remains clear…..Health Care looms large in this election (the second most important issue behind economics). In the spirit of health care, and how it impacts the election, […]
How to Provide Excellent Patient-Centered Care
4 Predictions for the Future of Mental Health Due to ACA and the Election

NCQA Releases Top 984 Health Insurance Plan Rankings
Healthcare Reform: Affording Healthcare
According to Global Healthcare Network a growing number of Americans are avoiding healthcare due to cost. While this in itself is not surprising, the infographic that Global Healthcare Network provides drives home this point drawing parallels between the accessibility of healthcare and geography, education, and poverty level. Quality improvements in healthcare and accessibility will continue […]
6 Critical Healthcare Issues to the 2012 Presidential Election

With the presidential election just weeks away, where do the candidates stand on the healthcare issues, specifically Healthcare Reform? Following are 6 issues which are pivotal to this year’s political race.