Health Insurance Experts

HEDIS Success & Value Based Care

2017-05-17T12:58:53-04:00By |Health Insurance, Uncategorized|

The Healthcare Effectiveness Data and Information Set (HEDIS) is a tool used by 90% of the United States’ Health Plans to measure performance on important elements of care and service. HEDIS standardizes the way health plans collect, analyze, and report data. It creates an equal playing field for all health plans (who use HEDIS) to be compared. It also can be used by employers, consultants, and patients to find the best health plan match for their needs. Many payers are now using value based reimbursement models to help meet HEDIS benchmarks. These value based programs make providers accountable for closing gaps in care and meeting HEDIS measures.

NCQA Releases Health Insurance Plan Ratings for 2016

2023-09-08T15:46:23-04:00By |Health Insurance, Uncategorized|

On September 22, 2016 the NCQA announced the release of the 2016-2017 Health Insurance Plan Ratings, this is the second year of the NCQA's new rating methodology. The Health Insurance Plan Ratings. which are published annually and compare the quality and services of more than 1,000 health plans across the United States. One new aspect of the 2016-2017 ratings is that WebMD will be publishing the ratings on their

Survey Shows Shift in Payer Top Performers

2023-09-11T15:08:26-04:00By |Health Insurance|

According to a recent Revive Health Inforgraphic, the percentage of healthcare leaders who have trust in any payer is eroding over time. Revive Health conducted a survey where they targeted 201 hospital leaders who "negotiate and/or approve managed care contracts with national health insurance companies. "

Understanding Value Based Reimbursement

2023-09-08T14:50:53-04:00By |Financial, Financial Analysis, Health Care Reform, Health Insurance|

The healthcare industry has undergone major changes since the rollout of the Affordable Care Act and now a new type of reimbursement model is putting traditional incentive based payment models on the shelf for good. Value based reimbursement, which ensures that providers are rewarded for performance, quality, and cost reduction (instead of number of services provided), is a model that will help shape the future of healthcare.

California Insurance Marketplace Imposes New Quality, Cost Conditions On Plans

2017-04-02T13:28:07-04:00By |Financial, Health Insurance, Health Insurance Exchange, Quality Improvement Programs|

Moving into a realm usually reserved for health care regulators, the California health marketplace Thursday unveiled sweeping reforms to its contracts with insurers, seeking to improve the quality of care, curb its cost and increase transparency for consumers. The attempt to impose quality and cost standards on health plans and doctors and hospitals appears to be the first by any Obamacare exchange in the nation. Among the biggest changes: Health plans will be required to dock hospitals at least 6 percent of their payments if they do not meet certain quality standards, or give them bonuses of an equal amount if they exceed the standards.

4 Healthcare Trends Set into Motion by the ACA

2024-07-26T08:47:10-04:00By |Accountable Care Organizations, Accreditation, Big Data, Health Care Reform, Health Insurance, News and Events, Webinars|

Let's talk healthcare trends set into motion by the ACA. The Affordable Act was signed into law March 23, 2010 making 2015 the law’s 5 year anniversary. Can you believe it? Five years later the ACA has sparked change in the healthcare ecosystem and is continuing to churn the wheel of change. But what changes should healthcare organizations expect for the future? PwC Health published a report on post-ACA trends in honor of the law’s 5th anniversary. The report outlines 5 major healthcare trends, Risk Shift, Primary Care, New Entrants, Health Insurance, and States, that it believes the ACA set into motion. We will cover 4 of those trends today!

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