Learning Series

Lean Management for Healthcare Organizations (1)

2017-04-02T13:28:44-04:00By |Lean Management, Learning Series, Services|

In healthcare, as in numerous other industries, lean management is gathering increasing momentum. In a 2013 article for the National Center for Biotechnology Information titled Lean Management—The Journey from Toyota to Healthcare (©2013 Teich and Faddoul), Sorin T. Teich, D.M.D., M.B.A., and Fady F. Faddoul, D.M.D., M.Sc. provided a comprehensive overview of what lean management is, and how its principles can be applied to the healthcare industry:

12 Days of Obamacare: Preventive Care

2024-06-27T11:40:46-04:00By |Health Care Reform, Health Insurance, Health Insurance Exchange, Learning Series|

The ACA seeks to increase the quality of care while simultaneously reduce cost. One provision which accomplishes both is preventive care. In keeping with the holiday traditions, we thought it would be fun to focus on the 12 days of Obamacare. As such, On the third day of Obamacare, Obama gave to me: Preventive Care Healthcare Exchanges And an Individual Mandate

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