Training in Healthcare

Is Transparency Key to Gaining Trust? 5 Actionable Practices

2024-10-31T16:05:07-04:00By |Organizational Analysis, Payer Trends, Training|

Transparency is not just a regulatory requirement for healthcare payers; it’s a key factor in fostering trust, improving relationships, and driving collaboration. By focusing on clear communication, data integrity, financial openness, and regulatory compliance, payers can create a more reliable and cooperative environment with providers.

Medical Director Legal Risks

2017-04-18T19:35:54-04:00By |Training|

Medical directors face novel legal risks for professional liability, regulatory compliance, licensure board complaints, and careless communication habits. A more thoughtful understanding of the distinct obligations and potential medical director legal risks may help medical directors and their employers avoid unnecessary stress and minimize the chances of legal entanglements.

Survey Results Define CMO Responsibilities

2017-04-19T17:20:54-04:00By |Training|

Health reform puts healthcare organizations at more financial risk than ever for care costs and quality, both inside and outside their workplace. But it doesn't change the fundamental fact that physicians, even employed physicians, remain the final arbiters of what care actually is provided. CMO responsibilities evolve with need and business acumen grows as a vital need.

Stretching Medical Directors Too Far?

2017-11-30T18:04:05-04:00By |Training, Uncategorized|

As healthcare continues to change, so do some of the roles within the industry, but no role has perhaps experienced a shift quite as significant as the Medical Director.  This position has taken on a dramatic evolutionary shift in responsibility and scope. The roles and responsibilities now require stretching medical director skills into contract negotiations, group dynamics, organizational development, team management, and many areas not covered in a traditional medical curricula.

1 Day Left to Sign up For BHM’s Free WebClinic “Components of a Great Peer Review Program”

2017-04-02T13:28:09-04:00By |Compliance, News and Events, Physician Advisor/Peer Review, Quality Improvement Programs, Services, Strategic Planning, Training, Utilization Management, Webinars|

BHM's webclinic “Components of a Great Peer Review Program” goes live Wednesday, November 18th from 12:00pm to 1:00pm EST. You don't want to miss this great opportunity to receive expert advice related to Peer Review Services. Don't worry you still have time to sign up!

5 Key Elements of the Peer Review Process

2023-10-07T09:18:48-04:00By |Clinical Operations Improvement, Physician Advisor/Peer Review, Training, URAC Accreditation, Utilization Management, Webinars|

Lately we have been talking about the important of Independent Review Organizations (IROs) and peer reviews in the healthcare ecosystem. Today we continue this discussion and delve deep into the importance of the peer review process. We know that peer reviews are a crucial part of healthcare because they hold medical professionals and organizations accountable in addition helping to build a world of trust between patient and physician. The peer review process is one that consists of high levels of property technology and superior customer service. By boosting transparency in healthcare, peer reviews have become an essential standard helping to make healthcare safer and more efficient. So let’s take a look at the 5 core building blocks of the peer review process.

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