
Significant Risks Beyond Recruitment: Medical Directors and CMOs

2017-06-20T20:12:11-04:00By |Clinical Operations Improvement, Compliance, Financial|

Recruiting and retaining qualified Medical Directors and Chief Medical Officers challenge healthcare organizations of all types. Whether you  employ or contract these medical professionals, consider two recent cases as reminders of potential issues far different than recruitment and retention and considerably more financially damaging. Significant risks beyond recruitment exist and staying informed about new Stark Law rulings pays.

Not Waiting For Capitol Hill: Health System Leaders Move Ahead

2017-05-23T19:29:16-04:00By |Clinical Operations Improvement, Compliance, Financial, Financial Analysis, Health Care Reform|

Despite industry uncertainty about the fate of healthcare under the new administration and Republican Congress, health system leaders move ahead and are preparing for the future. A recent Premier Inc. survey show the target areas for improvements within their systems. The results signal growth concerns and why the leaders will not wait for Capitol Hill results.

Successful Delegation To Downstream Entities

2018-05-23T16:25:27-04:00By |Compliance, Operational Analysis, Uncategorized|

Healthcare organizations face challenges regarding reduction of their medical and administrative costs because regulatory and administrative demands are increasing. Payers and providers must evaluate new partner relationships and solutions for work processes and potentially outsource administrative functions in order to offer competitively priced services to patients. Successful delegation requires planning.

1 Day Left to Sign up For BHM’s Free WebClinic “Components of a Great Peer Review Program”

2017-04-02T13:28:09-04:00By |Compliance, News and Events, Physician Advisor/Peer Review, Quality Improvement Programs, Services, Strategic Planning, Training, Utilization Management, Webinars|

BHM's webclinic “Components of a Great Peer Review Program” goes live Wednesday, November 18th from 12:00pm to 1:00pm EST. You don't want to miss this great opportunity to receive expert advice related to Peer Review Services. Don't worry you still have time to sign up!

Join Us 7/29 For Our Free Webinar on the Secrets to Accreditation Success!

2017-04-02T13:28:13-04:00By |Accreditation, Compliance, Financial, NCQA Accreditation, News and Events, Specialty Pharmacy Accreditation, URAC Accreditation, Webinars|

If your accreditation has cost your organization more time, money, and internal resources than you had thought and you still feel like you are not prepared for your survey/audit, then this is one informational session you won't want to miss! During Wednesday's live webinar we will be answering these questions and many more! Based on years of consulting experience we have identified the hallmarks of organizations that are successful in the accreditation process, and are excited to share them with you. As an added bonus we will share tips on how to maximize your Accreditation ROI with a post accreditation checklist that every organization should utilize to get the maximum mileage and ROI from their accreditation.

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