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Population Health Management Challenges

2017-04-02T13:28:15-04:00By |Population Health|

As we continued to move toward value based purchasing, healthcare as an industry is becoming more and more focused on population health metrics. Instead of looking at smaller patient populations and sample sizes, industry researchers and leaders are casting a wider net these days, hoping to capture larger data samples and establish benchmarks for the move away from current payment models.

Bundled Post Acute and Rural Providers

2017-04-02T13:28:15-04:00By |News and Events|

Rural health care centers may take a hit with the passing of site-neutral payments for post acute care. And with rural residents and veterans already struggling with access to the care they need, post-acute care has been a point of contention to people on both sides of the issue. So what's happening with bundled post acute care at the moment? Let's take a look.

The NCQA Wants Your Feedback on the Patient-Centered Medical Home Program

2023-08-12T16:59:34-04:00By |Accreditation, NCQA Accreditation, Quality Improvement Programs, Services, Strategic Planning|

The NCQA's Patient Centered Medical Home program has been running since 2008 but over the past few years it has gone through some substantial revisions. Now the NCQA is asking for people in field, both who are providing care and receiving care, to help make the PCMH program the best it can be. Here are the basics you need to know:

Updated Pharmacy Expectations for Critical Access Hospitals

2017-04-02T13:28:16-04:00By |News and Events|

According to a recent press release, a January 16th notice to state survey agencies gave new details about Medicare's rules for compounding practices and other pharmacy activities at critical access hospitals. A substantial portion of the 93-page CMS report addresses pharmacy practice, including sterile and nonsterile compounding; infection prevention and control; medication safety, handling, administration, and storage; and contracted operations.

10 Tips for Minimizing Denials

2017-04-02T13:28:16-04:00By |Financial, Revenue Cycle Improvement|

No medical practice likes a high denial rate. Not only does it negatively impact your practice's revenue cycle, but it makes things more difficult and frustrating for your patients, too. So what are some tips for minimizing denials? This post goes over some of the most common causes for denied claims and can help you get back on the right track.

Pharmacy May Be The Answer To Reducing Healthcare Costs

2017-04-02T13:28:16-04:00By |Financial, Financial Analysis, Readmissions, Revenue Cycle Improvement|

Back in March, we talked about how the role of the pharmacist in the healthcare ecosystem has been expanding over the past decade. In addition to simple medication fulfillment, pharmacist now complete crucial patient aftercare, education, and vaccination administration. Many believe as the role of the pharmacist expands, they could become the key to reducing all kinds of healthcare costs. Here are three ways pharmacy is helping save costs for healthcare.

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