Part 2 – Peer Reviews: NAIRO’s External Review Regulations

NAIRO’s External Review Regulations The National Association of Independent Review Organizations (NAIRO) was formed in 20012 by a group of URAC-accredited Independent Review Organizations (IROs). The group’s purpose is to provide uniform regulations from state to state by simplifying the regulated independent review organization application process and independent medical peer review requirements among the states. […]

Healthcare Reform – Part 2 of 2 – Expanding Medicaid

Healthcare Reform is the Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act. It is also affectionately known as ObamaCare. It was first signed in March 2010 and has over 90 changes that go into effect from 2010 to 2014. Many lawsuits have already been filed questioning whether this act is constitutional or not. The 2 issues of […]

What the Hill is Going on With Healthcare Reform? What Just Happened?

Original source – The Hill Website So many questions, so many points of confusion.  Healthcare Reform, a.k.a.ObamaCare, is a 2,700 page document that was created in 2010 by Barack Obama and his constituents. It was passed through very quickly and not sure anyone in the country has read and/or understands the bill in its entirety. […]

Healthcare Reform and the Presidential Election

Healthcare Reform is a buzzword in terms of the upcoming presidential election. Three new articles were added to the website just since yesterday regarding this issue. Let’s discuss the evolving nature of healthcare reform and the presidential election. Original source is “The Hill” Healthwatch Blog Obama Issues Veto Threat for Healthcare Bill June 6, 2012, […]

Move Fast or Slow on Insurance Exchanges…

CEOs of health plans are in an interesting position as the Supreme Court deliberates the viability of the healthcare reform law and as the election approaches. That is to say, what approach should they take: should they plow ahead to get ready for the changes coming in 2014, or take their time with big decisions? […]

Healthcare Reform: Insurance Rate Battle Brewing

For the nearly two years, medical utilization has been lower. When combined with regulatory analysis, reductions in administrative expenses and more pressure on providers to improve effectiveness, many health insurers have been able to hold rate increases to single digits.