5 Questions to Ask Your Peer Review Vendor
The concept of continuous improvement is widely known throughout the healthcare world. When it comes to peer review programs, it can make or break a claims process. A peer review partner can help ensure that your organization stays up-to-date on technology cycles, legislation changes, and any other important shifts in the healthcare industry.
Understanding Utilization Review versus Utilization Management
Understanding the difference between Utilization Review and Utilization Management is very critical in the healthcare continuum. While the two terms often feel interchangeable, in reality their processes and meanings actually are very different. Their differences make all the difference for improving care.
The IRO Transparency Project: Innovations in the IRO Industry

Workers Compensation Independent Medical Reviews: Keeping Claims on Track

Workers Compensation Independent Medical Reviews Across the country more and more workers compensation organizations are utilizing Workers Compensation Independent Medical Reviews to keep claims on track, and to decrease unnecessary expenditures as they relate to legal proceedings. Workers compensation organizations who work with a quality Independent Medical Review organization have seen claims issues and disagreements […]
Did You Miss Our Free WebClinic Components of a Great Peer Review Program? We’re Relaunching it!

Join BHM experts Tuesday, December 15 at 12:00 PM CST for the complimentary webinar “Components of a Great Peer Review Program.” This not-to-miss exclusive event will reveal essential components that organizations need to create a Peer Review program that provides added and ongoing value to healthcare organizations.
One Month – Four Exciting Healthcare Web Events: Take Your Organization to the Next Level

End of the Year Healthcare Web Events You Won’t Want to Miss! The end of the year is here, and as promised we have put together an exciting schedule of healthcare web events for the month of December. We have gone through our archives and selected four of our most sought after healthcare web events, […]
Outsourcing Your IRO: 3 Benefits of External IROs

There are times when we all can benefit from an outside perspective, in both life and in work. For healthcare, this outside perspective comes in the form of external Independent Review Organizations (IRO). An external IRO not only give perspective that differs from “insider” knowledge, but it’s also views situations in an entirely new light with set a quality set of standards and procedures. In some cases an external IRO may be required, but if not they are still a highly beneficial option. External IROs offer a unique perspective that is not only beneficial, but entirely necessary. Here are 3 reasons why outsourcing your IRO is a good idea.
1 Day Left to Sign up For BHM’s Free WebClinic “Components of a Great Peer Review Program”

BHM’s webclinic “Components of a Great Peer Review Program” goes live Wednesday, November 18th from 12:00pm to 1:00pm EST. You don’t want to miss this great opportunity to receive expert advice related to Peer Review Services. Don’t worry you still have time to sign up!
5 Key Elements of the Peer Review Process

Lately we have been talking about the important of Independent Review Organizations (IROs) and peer reviews in the healthcare ecosystem. Today we continue this discussion and delve deep into the importance of the peer review process. We know that peer reviews are a crucial part of healthcare because they hold medical professionals and organizations accountable in addition helping to build a world of trust between patient and physician. The peer review process is one that consists of high levels of property technology and superior customer service. By boosting transparency in healthcare, peer reviews have become an essential standard helping to make healthcare safer and more efficient. So let’s take a look at the 5 core building blocks of the peer review process.
Eliminating Risk with Independent Review Organizations

We’ve been talking a lot lately about how and where Independent Review Organizations, or IROs, fit into denial management. The Peer Review process, which brings in an unbiased third party to help alleviate the pressure of reviewing claims, is an essential part of denial management. We’ve touched on many of the different benefits of IROs in previous blog posts, from how they affect your ROI to how they bring specialized expertise to reviews. This blog post focuses on the four main ways IROs and external reviews can help eliminate risk within your organization.