5 Thing Primary Care Providers Need to Know About the ACA
What do you know about the ACA? Interested to Know About the ACA and what it can do for your organization? Follow BHM Healthcare Solutions’ blog for more updates today.
Top 5 ACA Impacts on Hospitals
Do you know how the ACA impacts hospitals? Visit BHM Healthcare Solutions‘ blog to learn more about the ACA impacts on hospitals and much more…
9 Exemptions/Loopholes to the Individual Mandate under the ACA
The individual mandate is to become effective January 1, 2014. Are there any exceptions to the mandate?
What Are the Effects of the Employer Mandate Delay?
How does the employer mandate delay affect individuals, businesses and government?
Federal Versus State Exchanges – the Official Sites by State
The health insurance exchanges (marketplaces) are to begin open enrollment October 1, 2013 for coverage to become effective in 2014. Where can one find the official information for both state and federal exchanges?
BHM Releases Series on the Healthcare Exchanges (Marketplaces)
BHM is notorious for providing relevant, current information in regard to healthcare late-breaking news, hot off the presses issues, and trends which affect healthcare providers, payers, and consumers. As such, BHM will release articles over the coming weeks focused upon providing current updates on the healthcare exchanges.
What is the Health Insurance Exchange?
Follow BHM Healthcare Solutions’ blog for more information about healthcare exchanges and much more.
What the ACA Will Cost You
With ACA implementation well under way and the new Health Insurance Exchanges poised to open on Oct. 1st of this year many individuals are asking “What will the ACA cost you in terms of insurance?” Certainly there is no one size fits all answer to this questions. Insurance availability, coverage, and cost will largely be […]
Cadillac Tax – Will It Help the ACA Reduce Healthcare Costs?
The Cadillac Tax will tax insurance companies on excess premiums charging above certain thresholds for singles and families.
How The ACA is Hitting Hospitals
The ACA Is Hitting Hospitals Hard ACA is hitting hospitals hard when it comes to the Affordable Care Act, also referred to as Obamacare or ACA, some hospital organizations are already feeling the pinch. Today we will examine the specific provisions which are impacting hospitals, and why some organizations are already worried about the changes. […]