Clinical Operations Improvement

Predictive Modeling Can Save Healthcare

2017-11-30T17:47:09-04:00By |Clinical Operations Improvement, Financial, Learning Series, Quality Improvement Programs|

From the Affordable Care Act (ACA) to state wide reform initiatives, the pressure is on for healthcare providers to offer maximum quality healthcare to increasing patient populations at a more affordable rate.  Couple this with pressure to integrate healthcare, increase communication, ensure privacy, and reduce risk and you have a pressure cooker of factors that are driving Healthcare providers to find fast, sustainable solutions.  One of those solutions is the application of predictive modeling.

Top 10 Healthcare Compliance Issues of 2011

2023-07-21T14:41:57-04:00By |Accreditation, Clinical Operations Improvement, Health Care Reform, Learning Series|

2011 has been rife with government change, and both President Obama and healthcare regulators have been more active than ever in regard to regulatory and healthcare compliance updates and changes. These new laws and acts, some of which are already in effect, and some of which are expected to go into effect soon will no doubt have a dramatic impact on the industry. 

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