Healthcare IT Experts

3 Big Healthcare Trends To Watch in 2015

2024-07-26T08:44:50-04:00By |Accountable Care Organizations, Clinical Analysis, Financial Analysis, Health Care Reform, Healthcare IT, Telehealth and Telemedicine|

If you read our post "Healthcare Top 5 Trends," you know know that healthcare trends from specialty pharmacy to accreditation have been gaining traction this year. We have been keeping an eye on three additional healthcare trends that we expect to hugely impact the healthcare industry through the end of the year and continuing on to 2016. From ICD-10 to telehealth, let's explore these important trends and what they mean for healthcare!

7 Telehealth Terms You Need to Know

2023-08-12T16:57:00-04:00By |Healthcare IT, Telehealth and Telemedicine|

If you read our blog post 5 Top Telemed Trends of 2015, you know that telehealth is slowly revolutionizing the healthcare world for the better. From remote patient monitoring to distance education, telehealth practices and services are benefiting not only healthcare providers and organization but also patients. With telehealth becoming a topic being discussed constantly in current healthcare news, We thought it would be helpful to compile a list of the most commonly used terms in telehealth.

Mobile Health and Data Safety: Convenience vs. Privacy

2017-04-02T13:28:18-04:00By |Healthcare IT, Services, Telehealth and Telemedicine|

Technology may be revolutionizing the healthcare industry but while mobile health applications and cloud-based management are convenient, many think they may be compromising the privacy of healthcare data. The debate, which is so multifaceted there isn't one way of looking at it, centers around how the healthcare industry can embrace mobile health while still securing patient data. In light of the Anthem breach earlier this year, the issue is becoming even more of a hot topic.

5 Tips For Educating Your Employees on HIPAA Compliance

2023-07-28T16:35:03-04:00By |Big Data, Compliance, Healthcare IT, Services|

If you read our most recent blog on HIPAA violations, you know that employee error is one of the five most common HIPAA violations. It could be a lost electronic device or an unintentional error, but either way a breach can drastically effect your organization. Employees that work with patient data are essential to keeping your organization HIPAA compliant. From hold trainings to having a foolproof social media policy, here are 5 tips for helping your employees understand HIPAA compliance.

How To Recover From a HIPAA Breach

2017-04-02T13:28:20-04:00By |Compliance, Healthcare IT|

If you find yourself in the midst of a HIPAA breach, your first instinct might be to panic, but you need not. While a security breach of any kind is a high stress event, keeping cool headed and following tried and true breach recovery protocols will help you avoid further trouble down the line.

Helping Patients Quantify Their Health Data: The Quantified Self Movement

2017-04-02T13:28:21-04:00By |Big Data, Healthcare IT, News and Events, Population Health|

The Quantified Self Movement was started back in 2007 by a group of bloggers at Wired Magazine who began blogging about the concept of “life logging” or, as it’s sometimes called, humanistic intelligence. The implications of this technological innovation have widespread implications for healthcare improvement, and tech megaliths like Apple and Sony have been anxious to get their piece of the pie by racing to develop apps and wearable tech for patients.

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