Strategic Planning Experts in Healthcare

Top 5 Strategic Planning Challenges for CIOs

2017-04-02T13:28:32-04:00By |Compliance, Services, Strategic Planning, Telehealth and Telemedicine|

The Chief Information Officer in a healthcare system has perhaps one of the most complex and ever-evolving roles in the hospital C-Suite today. Since information technology has now permeated our entire culture - and particularly in medicine - executive level information management is hot field nowadays. Strategic planning within an organization tends to encompass many areas - but for the Chief Information Officer, most of their planning requirements fall under the category of information management. For most modern hospitals, information management is largely to do with electronic health records and the business transactions that surround them. While CIOs are not down in the trenches laying the groundwork for databases or troubleshooting minor issues, they are overseeing the purchasing, implementation and staffing needs to make the whole operation run smoothly.

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