welcomeI am pleased to be the first to welcome you to the new BHM Company Newsletter Consultant Insider!

We have grown dramatically over the past five years.  With this exciting growth comes opportunities to improve.  The first step is improved communications between us.  The first step toward realizing the goal of improved communications is this monthly newsletter.  Another is an improved project management system which we are finalizing.  Finally, we will need to build a culture to embrace project management, which will be a pivotal strategic communication key for not only our network of consultants, but for our clients. Not only do we need to talk the talk, but we need to walk the walk, and 2014 is a great year for us to begin working on improvements.

Again, we are excited to make it easier to you to access BHM organizational news and updates.  We are a firm that is making a positive difference in our client’s organizations, and working internally to improve communication, implement the latest technology, increase efficiency, and continue to expand upon the phenomenal growth BHM has achieved year over year since its inception.  Because of all of your hard work and dedication, we look forward to experiencing another great year of opportunity, and are committed to making BHM a better organization for both clients and consultants.

Here is to a great 2014!

-Mark Rosenberg