NCQA Releases Top 984 Health Insurance Plan Rankings
NCQA has released an article which lists the rankings for private, Medicare, and Medicaid health insurance plans. Is your plan listed? The list includes 984 plans classified as either […]
NCQA has released an article which lists the rankings for private, Medicare, and Medicaid health insurance plans. Is your plan listed? The list includes 984 plans classified as either […]
Which TJC Accreditation Program […]
What is the Value of CARF Accreditation? The Commission on Accreditation of Rehabilitation Facilities(CARF) was founded in 1966 and is an independent, nonprofit […]
Medical necessity is a medical claims determination which encompasses outcomes which are justified as reasonable, necessary, and/or appropriate based on evidence-based clinical standards of care. Evidence-based medicine (EBM) aims […]
BHM Healthcare Solutions, a healthcare consulting firm first introduced the PRS portal for providing physician peer reviews in August 2011. Since then, BHMs IT Department has made continual improvements to the PRS Portal to increase automation, efficiency, and responsiveness.
For a Free Presentation on Medical Necessity Criteria Please Click […]
NAIRO’s External Review Regulations
The National Association of Independent Review Organizations (NAIRO) was formed in […]
A medical peer review is a formal process in which care is reviewed to determine medical necessity. It can provide a means for an independent review organization (IRO) to review all of the documentation.