Clinicial Analysis Experts

One Factor Influencing Opioid Prescription Habits?

2017-08-17T16:55:59-04:00By |Care Coordination, Clinical Analysis, Clinical Operations Improvement|

For payers, identifying doctors who write more opioid prescriptions can be key for any successful opioid management program. Using the one factor influencing opioid prescription habits, payers can target education improving the overall provider network performance. Physicians trained at the United States’ lowest-ranked medical schools write more opioid prescriptions than physicians trained at the highest-ranked schools, according to a study by Princeton University.

Behavioral Healthcare Shortages: Causes and Solutions

2017-07-05T17:13:36-04:00By |Behavioral Health Integration, Clinical Analysis, Clinical Operations Improvement, Uncategorized|

The National Council for Behavioral Health and the National Council Medical Director Institute released a far-reaching report this month: The Psychiatric Shortage: Causes and Solutions. As a recognized leader in behavioral health reviews, this BHM Healthcare Insider Blog brings selections from the executive summary focusing on the behavioral healthcare shortages and solutions.

The 5 Biggest Challenges Healthcare Leaders are Facing in 2015

2023-10-06T12:24:49-04:00By |Big Data, Clinical Analysis, Financial, Financial Analysis, Health Care Reform, Population Health, Quality Improvement Programs, Services|

2015 has been a big year of change for many healthcare systems. With this change, healthcare leaders have been faced with many challenges, including complying with new federal regulations and making strategic moves towards better care. We've compiled a list of the five biggest challenges we've found healthcare leaders facing this year.

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