Medicare and Medicaid Experts

Yay or Nay on the ICD-10 Delay?

2017-04-02T13:28:41-04:00By |Big Data, Compliance, Medicare and Medicaid, Services|

Yesterday the House of Representatives voted on a bill that included a proposal for delaying the implementation of ICD-10 for another year, bringing the compliance date to October 2015. Hospitals nationwide are in the throes of gearing up for the implementation deadline in October of this year, a mere six months away. While some who are not in healthcare may view the delay as a sign of relief, those who have been spending time and money on the implementations are not sighing so much as groaning at the possibility of pushing the deadline out further.

2 Midnight Rule |Maximize Reimbursement

2017-04-02T13:28:41-04:00By |Clinical Operations Improvement, Financial, Health Insurance, Medicare and Medicaid, Services|

What is the 2 Midnight Rule? What does it mean for your organization? How does it affect the amount Medicare patient’s pay out of pocket? How does the 2 Midnight Rule affect reimbursement from both inpatient and outpatient perspectives? The 2 Midnight Rule establishes guidelines as to whether or not a physician should admit a patient from outpatient to inpatient. The general rule is if the patient, based upon medical necessity, is expected to require care that will span at least 2 midnights, the patient should be admitted as inpatient, and therefore reimbursable under Medicare Part A. In determining the 2 midnights, all care including outpatient is used in the determination. However, in terms of reimbursement, outpatient is reimbursed via Medicare Part B provisions and inpatient is reimbursed via Medicare Part A provisions.

Patient-Centered Focus Increases Revenue

2017-04-02T13:28:41-04:00By |Care Coordination, Financial, Medicare and Medicaid, Quality Improvement Programs, Readmissions, Services|

A patient-centered focus will provide optimal care for the patient which will in turn drive revenue. Do you remember the movie “Field of Dreams”? The basic premise was if you build a stadium they will come. We can adapt this adage to healthcare as well. So many organizations become so focused on the bottom line and don’t realize that if patients aren’t satisfied, they will not return to your facility, they will relay their bad experience to all of their friends, and you will lose revenue.

12 Days of Obamacare: Medicaid Expansion

2024-07-26T08:15:38-04:00By |Health Care Reform, Health Insurance, Health Insurance Exchange, Medicare and Medicaid|

How is Medicaid Expansion impacting healthcare in general, healthcare exchanges/subsidies in particular?In keeping up with the holiday traditions, we are highlighting the 12 days of Obamacare. As such, on the 7th day of Obamacare, Obama gave to me: Medicaid Expansion, Increased Age for Children, Affordable Healthcare, No Pre-existing, Preventive care, Healthcare Exchanges, and an Individual Mandate

Medicare Versus Medicaid

2017-04-02T13:28:51-04:00By |Health Care Reform, Health Insurance, Medicare and Medicaid|

Medicare Versus Medicaid - what are the similarities and differences? Both programs are government-sponsored through federal, state, or a combination thereof. Medicaid is a joint federal and state program that helps with medical costs for some people with limited income and resources. Medicaid programs vary from state to state, but most health care costs are covered if you qualify for both Medicare and Medicaid.

Medicaid Signups Are a Dual-Edged Sword for Healthcare

2024-07-26T08:12:53-04:00By |Health Care Reform, Health Insurance Exchange, Medicare and Medicaid, Services|

With a couple of months under the belt of the exchanges, a surprise is made evident as to the largest group of enrollees – Medicaid. Medicaid signups are a dual-edged sword for healthcare. With the passing of the Affordable Care Act of 2010, one of the main goals was to provide affordable healthcare to more Americans. To this avail, many provisions were enacted, such as expanding Medicaid and creating health insurance exchanges.

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