Operational Analysis Experts

Health System CEOs Share ‘What Keeps Them Awake’ In Survey

2017-12-12T18:52:47-04:00By |Lean Management, Operational Analysis, Organizational Analysis, Population Health, Trends|

CEOs at hospitals and health systems are faced with increasing headwinds as they look to move forward in an uncertain environment. So what are the key issues and trends CEOs are facing? Deloitte interviewed 20 health system CEOs this year to find out. While none of the key themes emerging from our interviews have really changed since Deloitte last spoke with health system CEOs, the urgency certainly has. Instead of thinking about these issues in a futuristic sense, CEOs are ready to address and tackle them now. 

Successful Delegation To Downstream Entities

2018-05-23T16:25:27-04:00By |Compliance, Operational Analysis, Uncategorized|

Healthcare organizations face challenges regarding reduction of their medical and administrative costs because regulatory and administrative demands are increasing. Payers and providers must evaluate new partner relationships and solutions for work processes and potentially outsource administrative functions in order to offer competitively priced services to patients. Successful delegation requires planning.

3 Trends to Watch in Healthcare Information Management

2023-10-07T09:23:49-04:00By |Big Data, Care Coordination, Clinical Operations Improvement, Operational Analysis, Strategic Planning, Telehealth and Telemedicine|

The healthcare industry is rapidly growing: With innovations in medical tools and new successful procedures performed annually, there is no shortage of change. Just as vital to the industry are solutions that help manage the information of the millions of patients who visit each year. To keep up with the demand and to facilitate the process, adjusting healthcare information management practices is a necessity. Here are three trends that are being implemented.

What Challenges Are Healthcare Leaders Facing This Year?

2017-04-02T13:28:21-04:00By |Financial, Financial Analysis, Health Care Reform, Operational Analysis, Organizational Analysis, Population Health, Quality Improvement Programs, Strategic Planning|

Here at BHM we are predicting that 2015 will be a year of change for many healthcare systems. With this change, healthcare leaders will be faced with many challenges, including complying with new federal regulations and making strategic moves towards better care. We've compiled a list of the five biggest challenges we foresee healthcare leaders facing this year.

Why Get TJC Accreditation?

2017-04-02T13:28:27-04:00By |Accreditation, Clinical Operations Improvement, Operational Analysis, Organizational Analysis, Quality Improvement Programs, Services|

With so many options for healthcare accreditation, many healthcare leaders are asking themselves, "Which accreditation(s) is best for my organization?" One of those accreditation options is through The Joint Commission (formerly Joint Commission on Accreditation of Healthcare Organizations or JCAHO), which conducts unannounced inspections and ensures quality standards industry-wide.

A Three Pronged Approach to Organizational Analysis

2017-04-02T13:28:30-04:00By |Accountable Care Organizations, Clinical Analysis, Financial Analysis, Managed Care, Medicare and Medicaid, Operational Analysis, Organizational Analysis, Readmissions, Services|

When was the last time your organization performed a SWOT analysis? If you aren’t familiar with SWOT (strengths, weaknesses, opportunities and threats) it’s a widely used strategy in many industries, not just healthcare, for identifying areas for improvement. You can break SWOT down even further: Strengths: What sets your hospital apart from all the rest? What can you offer that makes you competitive? Weaknesses: What puts your hospital and employees at a disadvantage compared to other hospitals? What of these factors can you change? Opportunities: How can you show your strengths to others? Threats: What could cause big trouble for your hospital or employees?

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