Physician Compensation Experts

Show Me the Money | Profitability Through Value-Based Purchasing

2023-06-29T12:06:18-04:00By |Accountable Care Organizations, Care Coordination, Financial Analysis, Health Care Reform, Health Insurance, Physician Compensation, Services|

Summary: Are you ready for a shift in risk from payer to provider? Will you be ready for value-based purchasing when it becomes required? Are you utilizing other reimbursement models such as bundled payments, Accountable Care Organizations, and Population Health Management? From a provider perspective, healthcare reform is aimed at tightening the purse strings, working more efficiently, reducing waste, and improving quality. The shift of risk has begun which will transform healthcare from a fee-for-service to fee-for-value. When the ultimate transformation ends, is still uncertain. As such, fee-for-service is still being utilized and providers are still generating profits and revenue based on the volume mentality while simultaneously trying to transition to a volume and quantity mentality. Juggling the opposite ends of the spectrum is no easy task.

Shifting Risk: A Pharmacy Perspective on Value-Based Purchasing

2017-04-02T13:28:39-04:00By |Accountable Care Organizations, Financial Analysis, Physician Compensation, Services|

Summary: In this article we will discuss Value-Based Purchasing and how it impacts the Pharma industry in particular. According to an issue brief by Deloitte Center for Health Solutions, Value-based pricing for pharmaceuticals: Implications of the shift from volume to value, a shift in risk is occurring in the pharma industry as a result of healthcare legislation, culminating with the Affordable Care Act (ACA).

5 Aspects of CMS’ 2015 Proposed IPPS Regulations

2017-04-02T13:28:39-04:00By |Clinical Analysis, Compliance, Financial Analysis, Health Care Reform, Medicare and Medicaid, Physician Compensation, Readmissions, Services|

On April 30, 2014, CMS announced proposed IPPS regulations to become effective January 1, 2015. The ruling covers: Hospital Value-Based Purchasing Program, Hospital Readmissions Reduction Program, Hospital-Acquired Condition Reduction Program, Quality Reporting Programs, and Wage Index – Updated Labor Market Areas. CMS just announced proposed regulations to become effective January 1, 2015. These regulations further the goals of the Affordable Care Act: increasing patient outcomes and reducing healthcare spending. These proposed regulations are Medicare specific and, if approved, will be applicable to general acute care and long-term care hospitals.

Telemedicine is Expanding but Faces Obstacles

2017-04-02T13:28:39-04:00By |Financial Analysis, Physician Compensation, Services|

Summary: As a result of the ACA and the increase in patients while the physician shortage is magnified, efforts are under way to address the lopsidedness of supply and demand. One of those efforts is telemedicine. The influx in individuals who are recently eligible for insurance coverage has added fuel to the fire in terms of the number of physicians who can provide care. Telemedicine is expanding in popularity and use as a means to address this issue, while also reducing healthcare costs and increasing both accessibility and affordability.

Benefits of ACOs to Both Patients and Providers

2024-06-26T10:44:51-04:00By |Care Coordination, Financial Analysis, Health Care Reform, Health Insurance, PCHCH Accreditation, Physician Compensation, Quality Improvement Programs, Services|

Summary: Accountable Care Organizations (ACOs) are gaining in popularity as a result of the Affordable Care Act. Have you considered the benefits of ACOs from both the patient and provider perspectives? One of the goals of the Affordable Care Act (ACA) is to provide coordinated care which, in turn, increases quality and efficiency within the healthcare field, and reduces costs. ACOs – What is an ACO? ACOs are groups of providers which form an organization based upon the Medical Home (or PCMH) concept. The Medical Home places responsibility for the coordination of care with the primary physician. The primary care physician coordinates with other physicians and providers such as specialty physicians, laboratories and diagnostic imaging, providing a central point for the patient’s medical information.

How Are You Using Physician Data Mining?

2024-06-26T10:46:45-04:00By |Big Data, Financial Analysis, Physician Compensation, Services|

The pay for performance model of payment has been the preference of health insurance companies for several decades. Previous models made it too easy for money to be paid for services that were not truly needed, were poorly documented or in some cases, were entirely fabricated for the purpose of payment. Pay for performance measures are meant to validate payments to physicians in accordance with The Affordable Care Act by using data mining techniques to keep tabs on physician costs.

Do Patient Satisfaction Surveys Help or Hurt Reimbursement?

2017-04-02T13:28:40-04:00By |Financial Analysis, Healthcare Preventitive Care, Medicare and Medicaid, Physician Compensation, Services|

The “patient is always right” model has been the primary driving force behind healthcare for the last several decades. But is this the right approach? Classifying patients as “customers” is a slippery slope. While you might be able to barter with a customer at a shop about the price of a necklace, should doctors ever barter with a patient about their treatment? What about when their patient satisfaction scores are drooping low?

Understanding RVUs | Medicare Reimbursement

2017-04-02T13:28:40-04:00By |Financial, Financial Analysis, Physician Compensation, Services|

Summary: Do you understand Relative Value Units (RVUs) as they relate to Medicare reimbursement? Is your physician compensation model based upon RVUs or a derivative thereof? What is an RVU? RVU stands for Relative Value Unit and is currently used by Medicare to determine the amount of reimbursement to providers. RVUs are basically a way of standardizing and comparing service volumes across all continuums.

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