Trends in Healthcare

CDC: America’s Uninsured Rate Rising During Trump’s First Year

2018-05-22T20:26:47-04:00By |Health Insurance, Revenue Cycle Improvement, Trends|

The Trump Administration released “American Patients First,” the President’s blueprint to lower drug prices and reduce out-of-pocket costs. When it comes to the cost of prescription drugs, our healthcare system faces four major challenges: high list prices for drugs; seniors and government programs overpaying for drugs due to lack of the latest negotiation tools; out-of-pocket costs for consumers; and foreign governments free-riding off of American investment in innovation.

Trump Administration Plan To Lower Drug Prices and Reduce Costs

2018-05-15T16:48:27-04:00By |Health Insurance, Revenue Cycle Improvement, Trends|

The Trump Administration released “American Patients First,” the President’s blueprint to lower drug prices and reduce out-of-pocket costs. When it comes to the cost of prescription drugs, our healthcare system faces four major challenges: high list prices for drugs; seniors and government programs overpaying for drugs due to lack of the latest negotiation tools; out-of-pocket costs for consumers; and foreign governments free-riding off of American investment in innovation.

Study: Hospital Prices Show ‘mind-boggling’ Variation

2018-05-15T16:49:40-04:00By |Financial, Financial Analysis, Health Insurance, Revenue Cycle Improvement, Trends, Uncategorized|

The prices hospitals negotiate with health insurance companies vary enormously within and across geographic regions in the United States, according to a new study coauthored by Zack Cooper (Yale), Stuart Craig (University of Pennsylvania), Martin Gaynor (Carnegie Mellon), and John Van Reenen (London School of Economics).

Most Expensive Conditions By Payer; Economic Impact On Society

2018-03-13T20:52:40-04:00By |Big Data, Clinical Analysis, Physician Compensation, Strategic Planning, Trends|

Healthcare Cost and Utilization Project (HCUP) collected the hospital visits and costs associated with different medical conditions classified by the Clinical Classifications Software principal diagnosis category and compiled a report with the ability of comparing medical conditions. The average hospital stay in the US costs just over $10,700, based on an analysis of recent data from the Healthcare Cost and Utilization Project (HCUP). AMA's latest National Economic Impact of Physicians report provides data...

Flaws Found in Recent 340B Study? AHA Responds To NEJM

2018-02-06T20:07:26-04:00By |Big Data, Managed Care, Trends|

The shift under way in payment in US health care - from volume to value - has sparked interest in new contracting arrangements to pay for prescription drugs. The objective of these new arrangements is to reward successful outcomes of medication use in patients, rather than pay based on the volume of drugs sold. Unfortunately, value-based contract barriers stand in the way of one approach to managing drug costs and obtaining better value for money spent. However, achieving the full potential of these contracts will necessitate regulatory and other changes.

Survey Finds: 20% of Physicians Prefer Hospital Employment

2018-07-24T18:53:08-04:00By |Big Data, Clinical Analysis, Physician Compensation, Strategic Planning, Trends|

The AMA's latest National Economic Impact of Physicians report provides data that can be used by key health care policymakers, legislators and thought leaders. It also demonstrates how physician practices both ensure the health and well-being of communities as well as support local economies and enable jobs, growth and prosperity.

Premature Death Rising: Stakeholders Combat Challenges

2017-12-28T01:29:32-04:00By |Big Data, Health Care Reform, News and Events, Strategic Planning, Trends|

America’s Health Rankings Annual Report, now in its 28th year, provides a holistic view of the health of the nation and of each state by analyzing 35 measures of behaviors, community and environment, policy, clinical care and outcomes data. The rise of premature death is a concern shared by health care professionals, payers, and leadership as well as their members.

Healthcare Trends to Watch for 2018

2017-12-27T02:03:10-04:00By |Clinical Operations Improvement, Organizational Analysis, Trends|

In the upcoming year, persistent uncertain and risk is projected for the US health industry, according to PwC’s Health Reach Institute’s newly released Healthcare trend report. The challenges of 2017, heated debates over health and tax reform and natural disasters could echo in 2018. Payers have already been strategizing for 2018, but looking at the 12 defining healthcare trends for 2018 can assist payers with long-term planning.

Social Determinants Vital To Payer Improvement

2017-12-19T18:50:38-04:00By |Managed Care, Population Health, Trends, Uncategorized, Utilization Management|

A report from Blue Cross Blue Shield Association, was released linking social determinants of health to differences in health across communities. From this report payers can see how demographic, behavioral, and structural factors impact health conditions of their members in different ways and gain greater insight into these differences to better understand population’s overall health.

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