The 2012 presidential election is coming up November 6, 2012. Let’s discuss Romney/Obama – Views on Foreign Policy Do you know where the candidates stand on foreign policy? Below is a summary of the foreign policy issues surrounding the election:

Views on Foreign Policy

Romney/Obama – Views on Foreign Policy

Romney/Obama – Views on Foreign Policy


  • Romney – believes the continued presence in Afghanistan should like with the top military leaders, agrees with 2014 deadline to withdrawal troops but didn’t agree with removing 23,000 troops from Afghanistan by September 30, 2012.
  • Obama – announced that US forces would discontinue combat operations in Afghanistan by the end of 2012 and focus on training and advice. Security control will be handed back to Afghanistan by 2014.


  • Romney – China needs to play by the rules in order to have open trade with the US. No more currency manipulating, no more computer hacking, no more stealing patents, designs and intellectual property.
  • Obama – It is important to pursue pragmatic cooperation with China. China has been beneficial in our economic recovery, assisted with the security of Afghanistan and Pakistan and supports the denuclearization of the Korean peninsula.


  • Romney – No accommodation, no appeasement. The US shouldn’t relent until Castro’s regime comes to an end. Romney’s plan includes: reinstating travel restrictions, adhering to the Helms-Burton Act, demanding release of Alan Gross, democracy promotion programs, breaking the information blockade, publicly naming oppressors, holding the Castros accountable for the brothers to the rescue shoot down, bolstering the Inter-American Democratic charter, campaigning for economic recovery in Latin America, and Hemispheric joint task force on crime and terrorism.
  • Obama – extended the presidential authority to order the continuance of the existing economic embargo on Cuba another year – per the Trading with the Enemy Act.


  • Romney – Guantanamo Bay plays an important role in protecting our nation against heinous terrorists. He is an advocate of GITMO. Romney opposes torture as a form of interrogation. Moving the base would pose an undue risk to innocent Americans and could have legal implications.
  • Obama – Obama wants to close the facility at Guantanamo Bay and feels that waterboarding is torture.


  • Romney – Romney believes that Iran is a major threat and all nuclear ambition should be removed.
  • Obama – more focused on Russia and thinks Iran is a tiny country that doesn’t pose a serious threat to the US.


  • Romney – supports the security wall that divides Israel from the West Bank and wants to defeat the jihadists all around the world.
  • Obama – criticized those who denied the Holocaust but supports talks with the Iranian President, who also denies the Holocaust, praises Israeli leaders for their kind gestures of peace towards Palestinian government if the government renounces terrorism.

North Korea

  • Romney – distrusts the North Korean sincerity at the bargaining table and thinks “they cheat”.
  • Obama – thinks South Korea is an ally for the US and is strongly against North Korea’s acts of aggression towards South Korea. Obama is strongly against North Korea’s nuclear program, but is taking a consultative approach with our allies to discuss.

These are some of the major foreign policy issues surrounding the 2012 Presidential election. Remember your opinion counts. The election will be held on November 6, 2012. How will you vote?

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