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About Brandon Ruse

Brandon is a highly skilled research writer contributing to the development and publication of articles and whitepapers at BHM Healthcare Solutions.

Ensuring Healthcare Compliance: Navigating the Complexities

2023-07-14T10:34:45-04:00By |Clinical Analysis, Clinical Operations Improvement, Compliance, Health Care Reform, HIPAA|

Healthcare compliance is a critical aspect of the healthcare industry, ensuring adherence to federal healthcare laws and regulations. It plays a vital role in preventing fraud, abuse, and waste, while upholding ethical standards for patient treatment. However, healthcare compliance is not a simple or straightforward task.

Unveiling the Truth: The Power of Healthcare Auditing

2023-07-14T10:34:46-04:00By |Clinical Analysis, Compliance, Operational Analysis, Uncategorized|

Healthcare auditing plays a crucial role in ensuring the delivery of quality care and adherence to standards within healthcare organizations. By systematically assessing performance, healthcare audits provide valuable insights into areas of success and areas that require improvement. Let's explore the importance of healthcare auditing in more detail.

Physician Advisor Reviews Improve Patient Outcomes

2023-10-31T14:19:34-04:00By |Physician Advisor/Peer Review, Readmissions, Revenue Cycle Improvement|

Physician advisor (PA) reviews play a crucial role in improving patient outcomes by facilitating various processes within healthcare organizations. PAs act as liaisons between hospital administration, clinical staff, and support personnel to ensure compliance with regulatory issues, advise physicians on medical necessity, and help achieve overall organizational goals related to the efficient utilization of healthcare services. Physician advisors contribute to better patient outcomes through several key activities.

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