Big Data in Healthcare

Infographic: A Visual History of Healthcare Informatics

2017-04-02T13:28:33-04:00By |Big Data, Health Care Reform|

The history of healthcare informatics goes back decades- did you know it all began in the 1940s? In fact, it began in Germany with a doctor named Gustav Wagner who formed the German Society for Medical Documentation, Computer Science and Statistics - the world’s very first professional organization of this nature. It’s his work that laid the groundwork for major informatic milestones throughout the next few decades up until the present day. Check out the infographic below from Adelphi University for the complete story.

The Quest for Healthcare Quality Part III: Providers & HCAHPS

2017-04-02T13:28:36-04:00By |Big Data, Organizational Analysis, Quality Improvement Programs|

When it comes to assessing healthcare quality, we’ve already talked about the trouble with defining ‘quality’, the patient’s perspective and touched on the value of HCAHPS data. The final piece of the puzzle is how do healthcare organizations, hospitals and providers use the HCAHPS data to improve their outcomes?

The Quest for Healthcare Quality Part II: Patient Perspectives

2017-04-02T13:28:36-04:00By |Big Data, Quality Improvement Programs|

When it comes to defining healthcare quality, the opinion of the patients might be the most important of all. They are, after all, the ones on the receiving end of care. When you strip away the financial concerns, the administrative politics and all the other things that make healthcare a business, we remember that the end is that we will provide care to patients in need. Their experience of that care, when quantified, can give providers and hospitals a baseline evaluation of their strengths and weaknesses as a healthcare organization.

6 Healthcare IT Pain Points | What Are Your Pain Points?

2017-04-02T13:28:37-04:00By |Big Data, Clinical Analysis, Financial Analysis, Health Care Reform, Operational Analysis, Services, Telehealth and Telemedicine|

Healthcare technology is changing faster than most organizations can keep up. What are you doing to comply? Healthcare technology is a rapidly changing field. Some of the changes are required to comply with current regulations while others are to gain a competitive advantage. Lets’ delve into a few of these areas.

Can Google Make Us Live Forever? What is ‘Google Calico’ and What Does It Have To Do With Modern Healthcare?

2017-04-02T13:28:37-04:00By |Big Data, Health Care Reform, Healthcare Preventitive Care|

You may recall some murmurings last year about a new Google venture cryptically called Calico. In the heyday of 23andMe, Apple’s many health apps and the hefty focus on technology in healthcare, Google wasn’t about to miss out on the hoopla. But just as soon as we started hearing chirps about “Google’s war on aging”, it sunk into the deep obscurity of the web.

How Are You Using Physician Data Mining?

2024-06-26T10:46:45-04:00By |Big Data, Financial Analysis, Physician Compensation, Services|

The pay for performance model of payment has been the preference of health insurance companies for several decades. Previous models made it too easy for money to be paid for services that were not truly needed, were poorly documented or in some cases, were entirely fabricated for the purpose of payment. Pay for performance measures are meant to validate payments to physicians in accordance with The Affordable Care Act by using data mining techniques to keep tabs on physician costs.

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