Managed Care Experts

UnitedHealthcare Shares Consumer Sentiment Results

2017-10-10T19:45:20-04:00By |IRO, Managed Care, Services|

More Americans are turning to technology first to evaluate health conditions, and a growing number are interested in using the internet to access medical care, while opportunities remain to improve peoples’ understanding of basic health insurance terms and the connection between lifestyle choices and disease, according to a new study. UnitedHealthcare shares results in a new report.

Exchange Reinsurance Stabilization: 17% Premium Reductions

2017-10-03T13:14:39-04:00By |Managed Care, Medicare and Medicaid|

America’s Health Insurance Plans (AHIP) released new research on exchange reinsurance stabilization efforts leading to higher enrollment in exchanges. Funding a $15 billion reinsurance stabilization package, in combination with a delay of the Affordable Care Act’s (ACA’s) health insurance tax (HIT) through the end of 2018 and guaranteeing funding of cost-sharing reductions (CSRs), could reduce average yearly premiums by $1,363 (a 17% reduction). Uncertainty in the individual market, rising premiums, and declining issuer participation have created the need for federal and state policy makers to address these issues to stabilize the marketplace.

Value-Based Contract Barriers for Innovative Medicines

2017-09-06T18:17:28-04:00By |Big Data, Managed Care, Trends|

The shift under way in payment in US health care - from volume to value - has sparked interest in new contracting arrangements to pay for prescription drugs. The objective of these new arrangements is to reward successful outcomes of medication use in patients, rather than pay based on the volume of drugs sold. Unfortunately, value-based contract barriers stand in the way of one approach to managing drug costs and obtaining better value for money spent. However, achieving the full potential of these contracts will necessitate regulatory and other changes.

Insurance Markets Stabilization: Bipartisan Proposal From Governors

2017-09-05T18:02:22-04:00By |Health Care Reform, Managed Care, Medicare and Medicaid, Taxes|

The governors John Kasich of Ohio, John Hickenlooper of Colorado, Brian Sandoval of Nevada, Tom Wolf of Pennsylvania, Bill Walker of Alaska, Terence R. McAuliffe of Virginia, John Bel Edwards of Louisiana, and Steve Bullock of Montana sent a letter to the Republican and Democratic leaders of the House and Senate asking them to take immediate steps to restore insurance markets stabilization structures. The letter was sent ahead of the testimony governors are expected to offer to the Senate Health, Education, Labor, and Pensions committee on September 7.

Drug-Related Risks and Outcomes: 1st Annual National Report

2017-09-05T18:03:16-04:00By |Big Data, Managed Care, Population Health, Trends, Uncategorized|

The purpose of this first annual surveillance report is to summarize the latest information available on the national level for various drug-related risks and health outcomes, health behaviors, and prescribing patterns related to the drug problem in the United States. The most recent year of information available is different for different outcomes. The emphasis is on national information, but some state information is also presented. This document is intended to serve as a resource for payers, providers, and pharma companies charged with addressing this ongoing national problem. It will be updated annually.

Social Determinants: Payer Cases Improving Member Health

2017-08-23T17:31:18-04:00By |Managed Care, Population Health, Trends, Uncategorized, Utilization Management|

Currently, payer strategies focus on finding healthy populations, segmenting the markets, and segmenting populations, with the target of avoiding costly procedures. Population management and all the big data trends became useful tools in those payer strategies. With the results from a study by the Robert Wood Johnson Foundation and a position paper by America's Health Insurance Plans (AHIP), social determinants quickly rose as the next measurable data used by payers.

Medicaid Under-Utilization Group Demographics: Where’s Growth?

2017-08-08T22:51:46-04:00By |Managed Care, Medicare and Medicaid|

Possible opportunities for growth, for payers and providers connected with the Medicaid systems in eligible states, exist in the continually low enrollments in Medicaid Savings Programs.  The Medicaid under-utilization group demographics emerged through a recently released report from Medicaid and CHIP Payment and Access Commission (MACPAC).

Payers Increasing Member Value Through Payment Initiatives

2017-07-18T18:08:54-04:00By |Health Care Reform, Managed Care|

The healthcare industry is undergoing an inevitable shift away from fee for service payment models towards reimbursement models that align with the healthcare triple aim, such as value based payments. The approach and question of which value-based model to implement still remains elusive for many organizations. Let’s take a look at some payment types on the value-based reimbursement spectrum.

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