Population Health Data

Seasonal Surge

2024-12-03T14:03:31-04:00By |Population Health, Trends|

Explore why hospital admissions spike during the holidays and what healthcare providers can do to manage the surge. From delayed care to seasonal illnesses and mental health challenges, this article dives into the data and offers actionable tips to improve outcomes and ease the strain on healthcare systems during the busiest time of year.

Social Determinants of Health Generate Drastic Cost Reductions

2018-05-30T00:25:42-04:00By |Managed Care, Population Health, Trends, Uncategorized, Utilization Management|

New research released by WellCare Health Plans, Inc. and the University of South Florida (USF) College of Public Health, Tampa, and published in Population Health Management, reports that healthcare spending is substantially reduced when people are successfully connected to social services that address social barriers, or social determinants of health, such as secure housing, medical transportation, healthy food programs, and utility and financial assistance.

Social Determinants Vital To Payer Improvement

2017-12-19T18:50:38-04:00By |Managed Care, Population Health, Trends, Uncategorized, Utilization Management|

A report from Blue Cross Blue Shield Association, was released linking social determinants of health to differences in health across communities. From this report payers can see how demographic, behavioral, and structural factors impact health conditions of their members in different ways and gain greater insight into these differences to better understand population’s overall health.

Health System CEOs Share ‘What Keeps Them Awake’ In Survey

2017-12-12T18:52:47-04:00By |Lean Management, Operational Analysis, Organizational Analysis, Population Health, Trends|

CEOs at hospitals and health systems are faced with increasing headwinds as they look to move forward in an uncertain environment. So what are the key issues and trends CEOs are facing? Deloitte interviewed 20 health system CEOs this year to find out. While none of the key themes emerging from our interviews have really changed since Deloitte last spoke with health system CEOs, the urgency certainly has. Instead of thinking about these issues in a futuristic sense, CEOs are ready to address and tackle them now. 

Drug-Related Risks and Outcomes: 1st Annual National Report

2017-09-05T18:03:16-04:00By |Big Data, Managed Care, Population Health, Trends, Uncategorized|

The purpose of this first annual surveillance report is to summarize the latest information available on the national level for various drug-related risks and health outcomes, health behaviors, and prescribing patterns related to the drug problem in the United States. The most recent year of information available is different for different outcomes. The emphasis is on national information, but some state information is also presented. This document is intended to serve as a resource for payers, providers, and pharma companies charged with addressing this ongoing national problem. It will be updated annually.

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