Big Data in Healthcare

13 Tips for HEDIS Success

2017-05-11T12:11:22-04:00By |Big Data|

HEDIS is a tool used by 90% of America’s Health Plans to gauge performance on crucial aspects of care and service. By standardizing the way health plans collect, analyze, and report performance information and data, HEDIS creates an equal playing field for all health plans (who use HEDIS) to be compared. The tool is also used by health plans to learn which area they can improve in. On the other end, employers, consultants, and patients use HEDIS data to help them select the best health plan for their needs.

CMS Release Gold Mine of Data for Benchmarking Your Operations

2023-09-08T15:45:10-04:00By |Big Data, Physician Advisor/Peer Review|

The Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services (CMS) released Part 2 in a set of data that details information on prescription drugs prescribed by individual physicians and other health care providers and paid for under the Medicare Part D Prescription Drug Program. The CMS believes that The Part D Prescriber PUF data will provide healthcare professionals with important information to drive change within the industry. “These data enable a wide range of analyses on the type of prescription drugs paid for under the Medicare Part D program, and on prescription drug utilization and spending generally.”

CMS Unlocks Claims Data. Now What?

2023-09-08T15:37:56-04:00By |Big Data, Trends|

The Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services (CMS) finalized a new rule that gives providers and employers better access to Medicare and private sector claims data. CMS hopes that the improved access will help organizations make more informed decisions about care delivery and quality improvement.

CMS Updates Data Initiatives to Increase Access & Transparency

2023-09-08T14:50:16-04:00By |Big Data|

The Centers for Medicare & Medicare Services (CMS) values data. And with the update of their data initiatives, it will now be more transparent and easier to access. Your organization will now be able to benchmark against some of the biggest health systems in the country. Data is crucial for measuring costs, services and trends, especially when it comes to organizational growth.

5 Important Questions On Data Security

2023-08-07T15:41:05-04:00By |Big Data|

News of data breaches and cyberattacks have been ruling the headlines since early 2015. In fact, out of the 14 largest healthcare data breaches 5 occurred in 2015. As cyber attacks become more common it’s crucial for healthcare organizations to learn how to protect themselves, and their patient’s data, from breaches and attacks.

3 Trends to Watch in Healthcare Information Management

2023-10-07T09:23:49-04:00By |Big Data, Care Coordination, Clinical Operations Improvement, Operational Analysis, Strategic Planning, Telehealth and Telemedicine|

The healthcare industry is rapidly growing: With innovations in medical tools and new successful procedures performed annually, there is no shortage of change. Just as vital to the industry are solutions that help manage the information of the millions of patients who visit each year. To keep up with the demand and to facilitate the process, adjusting healthcare information management practices is a necessity. Here are three trends that are being implemented.

4 Healthcare Trends Set into Motion by the ACA

2024-07-26T08:47:10-04:00By |Accountable Care Organizations, Accreditation, Big Data, Health Care Reform, Health Insurance, News and Events, Webinars|

Let's talk healthcare trends set into motion by the ACA. The Affordable Act was signed into law March 23, 2010 making 2015 the law’s 5 year anniversary. Can you believe it? Five years later the ACA has sparked change in the healthcare ecosystem and is continuing to churn the wheel of change. But what changes should healthcare organizations expect for the future? PwC Health published a report on post-ACA trends in honor of the law’s 5th anniversary. The report outlines 5 major healthcare trends, Risk Shift, Primary Care, New Entrants, Health Insurance, and States, that it believes the ACA set into motion. We will cover 4 of those trends today!

Big Data in Healthcare: 3 Infographics You Need To Read

2023-10-10T12:49:30-04:00By |Big Data, Clinical Operations Improvement, Services|

Big Data is term reserved for the larger-than-life amounts of data collected in our, now, very digital world. In the healthcare world, big data is often used to describe electronic health records (EHR) and patient data. Technology has improved our ability to collect and analyze healthcare data. With this grand opportunity for innovation and growth come questions of security and patient data safety. Read the following 3 infographics to get some insight into the world of Big Data in the healthcare industry.

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