Care Coordination Experts

One Factor Influencing Opioid Prescription Habits?

2017-08-17T16:55:59-04:00By |Care Coordination, Clinical Analysis, Clinical Operations Improvement|

For payers, identifying doctors who write more opioid prescriptions can be key for any successful opioid management program. Using the one factor influencing opioid prescription habits, payers can target education improving the overall provider network performance. Physicians trained at the United States’ lowest-ranked medical schools write more opioid prescriptions than physicians trained at the highest-ranked schools, according to a study by Princeton University.

Challenges of Developing Workers Compensation Treatment Guidelines

2017-05-23T19:52:08-04:00By |Care Coordination, Trends, Utilization Management|

Workers compensation treatment guidelines can help prevent unnecessary medical procedures and the prescribing of potentially harmful medications. However, they are not all the same, nor are they without challenges. Understanding a jurisdiction's strengths/weaknesses, taking a strategic approach to developing guidelines, and using common sense can lead to better outcomes for injured workers—and, ultimately, lower costs for payers.

Trend: Insurers and Providers Partner-Up with Jointly Owned Health Plans

2024-06-14T09:30:23-04:00By |Accountable Care Organizations, Care Coordination|

Aetna is setting a new standard for healthcare partnerships as it joins forces with a north Texas health system in hopes of focusing on improving quality care, affordability and overall patient care. Partnerships are no stranger in the healthcare world, but insurers and providers partnering up to provide better care and better coordinate care, is a trend we expect to see grow in 2016.

Study: More Collaboration Aids Health Care For At-Risk Populations

2023-08-07T15:29:13-04:00By |Care Coordination, Health Care Reform, Organizational Analysis|

By teaming with community organizations, doctors and hospitals can deliver high-quality care at good value to disadvantaged people at risk for poor health, according to a new report from a panel of experts. The report released Thursday by the National Academies of Sciences, Engineering and Medicine was produced to aid Medicare officials studying how to fairly pay hospitals that disproportionately serve patients with social risk factors for health problems. Those factors include low income, social isolation, disadvantaged neighborhoods and limited health literacy.

3 Trends to Watch in Healthcare Information Management

2023-10-07T09:23:49-04:00By |Big Data, Care Coordination, Clinical Operations Improvement, Operational Analysis, Strategic Planning, Telehealth and Telemedicine|

The healthcare industry is rapidly growing: With innovations in medical tools and new successful procedures performed annually, there is no shortage of change. Just as vital to the industry are solutions that help manage the information of the millions of patients who visit each year. To keep up with the demand and to facilitate the process, adjusting healthcare information management practices is a necessity. Here are three trends that are being implemented.

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