Clinicial Analysis Experts

5 Challenges Hospitals Face in 2015

2017-04-02T13:28:27-04:00By |Clinical Analysis, Financial Analysis, Health Care Reform, Services|

You might be thinking - “Just five challenges?!” and it’s true that the healthcare industry is facing many challenges at the moment. Five of them, however, are most specific to hospitals. We often think of hospitals as the “front lines” of healthcare, and while it may be true that the majority of practicing physicians, nurses and allied health professionals find employment there, new data shows that one vital piece of the hospital picture might be missing: patients.

Secrets of Population Health Management Infographic

2017-04-02T13:28:28-04:00By |Accountable Care Organizations, Clinical Analysis, Services|

In the wake of Ebola, healthcare systems worldwide are focusing more than ever on defining - and refining - their population health initiatives. Smart thinking on multiple accounts, if you think about where we’re headed in terms of healthcare reform. Hospitals that are moving towards population health initiatives now will be far better prepared for the overall shift to accountable care that’s on the horizon.

A Three Pronged Approach to Organizational Analysis

2017-04-02T13:28:30-04:00By |Accountable Care Organizations, Clinical Analysis, Financial Analysis, Managed Care, Medicare and Medicaid, Operational Analysis, Organizational Analysis, Readmissions, Services|

When was the last time your organization performed a SWOT analysis? If you aren’t familiar with SWOT (strengths, weaknesses, opportunities and threats) it’s a widely used strategy in many industries, not just healthcare, for identifying areas for improvement. You can break SWOT down even further: Strengths: What sets your hospital apart from all the rest? What can you offer that makes you competitive? Weaknesses: What puts your hospital and employees at a disadvantage compared to other hospitals? What of these factors can you change? Opportunities: How can you show your strengths to others? Threats: What could cause big trouble for your hospital or employees?

5 ED Throughput Measures Your ED Needs to Face Ebola

2017-04-02T13:28:31-04:00By |Clinical Analysis, Healthcare Preventitive Care, Operational Analysis, Services|

In the light of the first-ever confirmed Ebola case in the United States, questions of procedure and preparedness are humming throughout all fifty states. The patient, a Liberian man who had left Africa and arrived in Texas before symptoms began, has become the center of media attention this week. So to, has the Texas Health Presbyterian Hospital become something of a media darling - in so far as they are being heavily scrutinized.

One Year Since CMS Cracked Down on Readmissions | Where Are We Now?

2017-04-02T13:28:31-04:00By |Care Coordination, Clinical Analysis, Health Care Reform, Physician Compensation, Quality Improvement Programs, Readmissions, Services, Telehealth and Telemedicine|

October 1st of last year, CMS cracked down on readmission rates for hospitals nationwide, handing out millions of dollars in penalties. The Affordable Care Act put these measures into place in order to curb the problem of readmissions, which are not only costly, but reflect an overall poor population health in the U.S. - especially for those patients with chronic conditions. For FY ‘14, 2% was withheld from payments per the guidelines for penalties. By 2015, the rate of withholding for penalties is expected to top 3%. In addition to the higher payments, there will also be additional diagnoses included in the readmission criteria list - it began with heart attacks, pneumonia and heart failure and will now expand to include COPD and complications from chronic lung conditions.

Developing Clinical Pathways

2017-04-02T13:28:32-04:00By |Clinical Analysis, Services|

When it comes to patient safety, the best way to be prepared is to develop evidence-based plans and strategies to guide patients through the healthcare system. These plans are called clinical pathways. Developing Clinical Pathways Clinical pathways are being developed in hospitals nationwide to help physicians move patients through the hospital. They are designed by the hospital, for the patients, and they have many benefits.

7 Ways to Reduce ER Admissions / Re-admissions

2017-04-02T13:28:33-04:00By |Clinical Analysis, Operational Analysis, Readmissions, Services|

For many hospitals, the emergency room is the busiest place for both staff and patients. Overcrowding, long wait times and inefficient care plague a lot of U.S. hospitals and there is a growing need for solutions. Not only is the overutilization costing money, but it is affecting patient satisfaction scores, meaning that hospitals aren’t meeting their annual measures. Of course, there are times in the life of any emergency room, when it’s unavoidably busy: during summer months, hospitals that are in prime vacation areas need to plan for an influx of one-time patients. In the event of a disaster or outbreak of communicable illnesses in a community, utilization of emergency room services are certain to skyrocket. But what about in general, when physicians find that they are treating patients who, ultimately, do not need emergency services - meaning that patients who do are left in a lurch?

Is It Time to Replace Your EHR?

2017-04-02T13:28:34-04:00By |Clinical Analysis|

With time, Electronic Health Records (EHRs) have evolved dramatically. If you, as a practitioner, are using an older EHR system, then it may be time to replace your software. The new EHR systems have helped practices to cut costs, increase efficiency, and improve patient care, in addition to being more user-friendly and offering customization capabilities.

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