Trends in Healthcare

Reducing Behavioral Health Readmissions: Strategies and Lessons Learned

2017-12-01T17:47:35-04:00By |Behavioral Health Integration, Clinical Operations Improvement, Health Insurance, Mental Health Parity, Services, Trends|

Behavioral healthcare cuts both ways for payers and providers. Shortages of qualified expertise makes filling positions difficult to impossible, while the need for services grows on many fronts and in many populations.  The Daily Briefing How 2 health systems are rethinking mental health care for a value-based world, from the Advisory Board, reinforces the connections between behavioral and physical health. This identifies tangible targets, like reducing behavioral health readmissions, for improving patient care and institutional  financial health.

Lacking Mental Health Expertise Lands 2nd On Scarcity List Two Years Running

2017-06-06T22:47:45-04:00By |Behavioral Health Integration, Clinical Operations Improvement, Health Insurance, Mental Health Parity, Services, Trends|

Payers and providers spend significant energy recruiting and retaining all levels of behavioral health professionals. The access to psychiatrists acts as the 'canary in a coal mine' signalling the impending challenges. Lacking mental health expertise hits organizations at a time of increasing use spurred on by value-based care.

Challenges of Developing Workers Compensation Treatment Guidelines

2017-05-23T19:52:08-04:00By |Care Coordination, Trends, Utilization Management|

Workers compensation treatment guidelines can help prevent unnecessary medical procedures and the prescribing of potentially harmful medications. However, they are not all the same, nor are they without challenges. Understanding a jurisdiction's strengths/weaknesses, taking a strategic approach to developing guidelines, and using common sense can lead to better outcomes for injured workers—and, ultimately, lower costs for payers.

AHCA Impact On Payers

2017-04-10T11:59:00-04:00By |Trends, Uncategorized|

The American Health Care Act (AHCA) made its debut. Not many people in government and healthcare industries expect quick passage of the AHCA in its initial form, but understanding the differences with the Affordable Care Act (ACA) sets a framework for how payers prepare for the final version. Fair to say, every organization must make adjustments and the pressures for building internal organization-level efficiencies increase.

AHCA Impact On Providers

2017-12-06T16:44:07-04:00By |Trends|

The American Health Care Act (AHCA) made its debut. Not many people in government and healthcare industries expect quick passage of the AHCA in its initial form, but understanding the differences with the Affordable Care Act (ACA) sets a framework for how providers prepare for the final version. Fair to say, every organization must make adjustments and the pressures for building internal organization-level efficiencies increase.

What Health Plans Must Do To Address Healthcare Trends?

2017-12-01T13:20:33-04:00By |Trends|

The U.S. election looks to push a teetering ACA in any direction. The coming open enrollment periods will also influence the 2017 reactions from Health Plans and Providers. Gregory Scott, US Health Plans leader and vice chairman of Deloitte LLP (profile), shares his perspective on trends impacting health plans as they respond to the rise of consumerism and the proliferation of the value-based care model.

Free Webinar: Beyond Concordance Rates

2023-08-12T07:24:20-04:00By |Physician Advisor/Peer Review, Trends, Uncategorized, Webinars|

Free Webinar: Beyond Concordance Rates: BHM’s New Innovations for Improving the Peer Review Process BHM Healthcare Solutions debuts its exciting new web-based suite of data reporting tools! BHM is at the forefront of data mining allowing clients to do a deeper dive on case data. Unlike any other reporting tool in the market today, BHM’s peer review system facilitates more data capture, data mining - analysis, reporting and review. Managing your case data more effectively will reduce costs, improve productivity, and maximize your resources.

1300% Spike In Opioid Epidemic Spending

2023-09-11T14:50:44-04:00By |Trends|

The opioid epidemic sweeping the country is still in full force. As opioid dependency marks one of biggest challenges healthcare providers, payers, it has become a critical focus for everyone in the healthcare ecosystem. A recent study, reported by Kaiser Health News, found that the United States saw a 1300% spike in “spending by health insurers in a four-year period on patients with a diagnosis of opioid dependence or abuse.”

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