Big Data in Healthcare

Social Media and Healthcare: 3 Infographics To Read Today

2023-10-06T12:20:36-04:00By |Big Data, Financial, Health Care Reform, Healthcare IT, Services|

We've talked a lot about how the use of social media in healthcare can be very rewarding. From helping improve patient satisfaction to creating a strong community online, social media has helped revolutionize certain aspects of the healthcare industry. It's important not to shy away from social media, as it's the perfect way to connect with your patients and clients. Remember - having a strong online presence is crucial for growth in a modern healthcare world. Here are 3 great infographics that will give you some insight into how social media and healthcare work together to improve the patient experience.

The 5 Biggest Challenges Healthcare Leaders are Facing in 2015

2023-10-06T12:24:49-04:00By |Big Data, Clinical Analysis, Financial, Financial Analysis, Health Care Reform, Population Health, Quality Improvement Programs, Services|

2015 has been a big year of change for many healthcare systems. With this change, healthcare leaders have been faced with many challenges, including complying with new federal regulations and making strategic moves towards better care. We've compiled a list of the five biggest challenges we've found healthcare leaders facing this year.

3 Health IT Infographics You Need To Read Today

2023-08-12T17:02:17-04:00By |Big Data, Healthcare IT, Telehealth and Telemedicine|

There is no better way to end the week than with some great informative and beautifully designed infographics. This week's round up includes everything from Health IT trends to the trends of Health IT purchasing. Whether you are thinking about implementing ICD-10 or allocating resources for a new EMR/EHR system, these infographics are bound to get your brain moving. In some of our most recent blog posts we've touched on need-to-know telehealth terms and how to approach mobile health safety, so if you are interested take a look in our archives!

Value Based Purchasing in 2015

2017-04-02T13:28:15-04:00By |Big Data, Medicare and Medicaid|

It might still be early in the year, but it looks like 2015 is already shaping up to be a big year for value-based purchasing initiatives. In large part thanks to the announcement by the Department of Health and Human Services last week outlining the year’s worth of expectations for hospitals and healthcare providers. HHS’ goal is that by 2016, 85% of Medicare’s payments to providers will be under the VBP model, rather than fee-for-service. The shift to VBP from fee-for-service has been ongoing, but the pressure is on for providers and healthcare systems who have been lagging behind in embracing alternative payment models.

Is the Triple Aim in Sight?

2023-07-28T16:34:06-04:00By |Big Data|

Back in 2007, the healthcare industry was introduced to a little concept called The Triple Aim. The major motivation for which is improving population health through a three pronged framework: Improving the patient experience of care (including quality and satisfaction); Improving the health of populations; and Reducing the per capita cost of health care.

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